A dirt path winds through a dense forest with lush green trees and underbrush, leading to a small wooden bridge that crosses over a rocky area. The scene is calm and natural, illuminated by gentle sunlight filtering through the tree canopy. Cedarville State Forest mountain bike trail.
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Level: Beginner
Length: 12 mi (19.3 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +234/ -224 ft
Total: 84 riders

Mountain Biking Cedarville State Forest

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#26 of 99 mountain bike trails in Maryland
#1,948 in the world

3 loops combined to be a network. Longest loop is the orange at about 7 miles but it is really easy to combine all three loops. Trailhead is right off of the parking lot at the park office. Some parts are wet due to a swampy area, worse after a good rain. Not to technical, just some fast singletrack. ENJOY

First added by kltbo on Aug 16, 2004. Last updated May 11, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
from Balt MD: take 495 to D.C. Then take Rt. 5 to Waldorf. Hang a left at Cedarville Road, go a few miles, enter gate then park at office.

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  • DADventureTV

    Yawn. Not a lot to say- some pretty parts, but as a mountain bike trail place, not much. Wouldn’t make a special trip here unless you are just starting out or with someone who is. It surely does not deserve the Blue Difficulty Level Rating on Trailforks. Rosaryville is just up 301 and between the two of them is more challenging, with more, steeper climbs and way more roots and twisty singletrack, yet that is a Green Trail. 🤷‍♂️ Starting at Visitor Center parking lot and taking Connector turning right onto Orange Trail it’s pretty much flat and sandy and really double track for lots of the time. Eventually you can hook into the Blue Trail which is a bit more singletrack and a bit more hills and a few roots, but really not challenging. Eventually you connect back into Orange Trail and complete the circuit. No features, just a ride through the woods. Might be more suited to a gravel bike honestly. You can get some flat miles though if that is what you want.

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  • salvaje

    Recent rains and the horses have really done a number on the trails. Some parts are impassable because of the hoof damage and thick mud. Once the trails dry out completely it might get better. Be going to Rosaryville for the time being

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  • salvaje

    All the trees across the trails have been removed. Trails were dry this morning (5/10/2018).

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  • gogoKawi

    As of 3/31/2018, there are LOTS of trees down from the wind storm a few weeks ago. In some sections, a tree was down about every 300 ft. or so. They are cleaning it up, but it will take some time. I counted 30 trees down. Other than that, the trail is great.

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  • carymtb09

    For the whole expierence I suggest heading down the trail head and making that first left. The trail head is off of Bee Oak Rd.

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  • Bill@129

    parts of the trails are not marked very clearly it gets confusing one trail to the next at one location start on one trail in the pond to others takes a while to get back on your original trail

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  • acanfield

    There are 3 major loops at Cedarville:

    - Orange loop by visitor center parking
    - Blue/White loops in the "middle"
    - Green/Brown loop by the Cedarville pond.

    Starting at the visitor center you are on the north end of the trail. Take a right onto the Orange trail, then take left turns for a CW loop. Take a left onto the Orange trail for a CCW loop.

    Each loop has a little different character. The Orange loop is a combination of singletrack and short legs of jeep roads. The Blue and White trails arepretty much all single track with the Blue trail being more scenic and some nice climbs on the White trail. The Green and Brown trails around the pond at the south end are the less trafficked and therefore more tight singletrack with lots of leaves.

    There is hunting on some of the forest so check the board at the visitor center for details.

    From my numbers the outside trails are 13 miles with about 600 ft of climbing. Do a CCW and CW lap and you've got a solid 26 miles for the day.

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  • Matt Thien

    Took a risk and drove the hour from Pax River area. IT WAS SO WORTH IT! I'm a Dad with 2 active kids who LOVED the orange trail. My daughter, 9, rode her Specialized 'hybrid' street (with gears) and my son, 6, rode his single speed bike. My daughter made it all the way around no problem. My son, had to push it up some of the hills. But, parents, don't hesitate to take your confident biker kids out on this one. The 7 miles flew by and the kids were asking for more! A great family trail and hybrid (no shocks required) trail. We will totally be back and bring along friends too! It took us about 1.5 hours to complete the orange trail.

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  • okayhop

    This is the rail trail of mountain biking. If someone wants to get their feet wet with little intimidation, this is the place. Orange is the easiest IMO. Wide singletracks, very few obsticals, and very tame elevation. The blue trail is good for someone trying to push the envelope a little toward "intermediate" riding. There are more hills along this one and will require a bit more work. Nothing crazy, however. Good trails if you are local and need a workout without going up the road to rosaryville or want to get introduced to the sport.

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  • madmom12

    Went out today on the Brown Trail. Still wet from the recent snow. For the most part very clear but with some debris in trail but to be expected this early in season.

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  • bookbum

    There are now five different trails totaling about 19 miles. For the most part, these are all fast singletrack. There are bridges across 95% of wet spots/streams but a couple of the bridges go underwater after rain because of an industrious beaver down stream. Be prepared for roots on every one of the trails and a little sand. While there's nothing technical besides a few logs across the trails get ready to have fun!

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  • bookbum

    There are actually 5 different loops in Cedarville Forest for a total of about 19 miles: Orange, Blue, White, Green & Brown. Fun and fast. Not too chalenging(orange trail) but that's okay for a quick morning ride. Blue trail is a little rougher. The Green and Brown trails are short but little used and very enjoyable. Nothing technical here but lots of roots.

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  • Geech

    I volunteer with the Friends of Cedarville and the bridge has been fixed and is actaully new. We have plans to lenghten the trails and add some new trails. The terrian doesnt have much for climbs and downhill segments.

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  • jsanchez8585

    Had the chance to ride here yesterday morning with a friend of mine. As Joshua Tee said Brown/Green was closed, do to clean up. However, we where able to hit the Orange and some of the Blue good trials. Alot of pedal time not really a challenge. However, good for a warm up or a nice ride!!

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  • JoshuaTee

    Went early in the morning and parked in the completely wrong spot by the archery range then rode the closed loop's Brown/Green. Didn't know they were closed, and they have easy ride potential. To do the Orange Trail you must turn RIGHT at the T in the road and park in the BBQ/Picnic area to the right which I missed for some reason (laughing now). Ended up making a wrong turn somewhere because I lost track of the Orange Trail but ended up back at my car?? I now have a map. Had the GoPro out!! Trail was peddle heavy, and a good cardio workout but nothing special. Will do this again though.

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  • jfigel76

    Solitude, singletrack, somewhat easy, no dabs or dismounts. Can be wet after rain. Trail maps are OK.

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  • TrailWolf

    oh yah I did see that sunk down bridge I walked it, too deep in the woods for me to take that chance the first time

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  • TrailWolf

    I rolled on the orange trail 4 the first time during hunting season recently so I could not ride the blue and the white, but it's a great trail 4 me to just tear through, will be back with friends

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  • rnc_forever

    I've done this trail over the past several weekends. Trail is in good shape with some what I presume were wet spots filled in with gravel and sand (annoying). Also, at one point on the trail, a bridge has sunk into the creek so you can either risk it and do the 2 foot jump down onto the bridge, or walk the bike across. Good times, great for beginners to learn on.

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  • jgillis33

    My wife and I went the day after an all day rain and the trails were in pretty good shape. There were a few puddles but that didn't ruin the ride. Overall, we both enjoyed the ride.

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