A winding dirt trail through a lush green forest, flanked by trees and vegetation. A signpost is visible on the right side, indicating trail information. A small log is positioned near the edge of the path, suggesting natural elements in the environment. The scene captures a serene, outdoor setting inviting for hiking or walking. Cherokee Park mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 10 mi (16.1 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +231/ -241 ft
Total: 111 riders

Mountain Biking Cherokee Park

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#19 of 108 mountain bike trails in Kentucky
#2,033 in the world

You can take the trail to the left, front, or right. I usually take it to the right. The thing that is great is that you can take multiple routes. You really need to just spend some time exploring the trails. After going a few times I had a good grasp on where to go. Some of the trails dead end into a road. You can either see it's connection accross the road or you get on the road travel a little way and you will see another trail head. After a ride through it, I am at 5 to 6 miles on my odometer. It is a network of trails. Not too hard, but still tech. enough to be fun. For how close it is, it is fun to use. Watch out for people as they often don't know what to do when they see you. There is also a large tree off the trail that is covered in spray paint, exspect to see pot heads in the area and the smell of marijuana in the air. Be careful there because they will not respond to your communication. You will say, "excuse me" and they will walk right at you like they don't think you are real. It is a trail system worth checking out though.

First added by scout_about on Nov 3, 2009. Last updated May 3, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: yes
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: yes
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: yes
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
The park is right off of I-64. Take the Grinstead Exit. Take a left on Lexinton road. Take a right on Ledge Rd. Follow the loop. You will wind around until you reach the top of a hill. Drive a little further. You will see a kids playground on your right and a large white fountain on your left. Park your car by the fountain(if available). The trail head is right there next to the fountain.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Louisville, Kentucky

Intermediate | 12 mi
Easiest | 0 mi
Intermediate | 2 mi
Intermediate | 1 mi

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  • Forest Rider 2021

    Lots of techy roots, small descents, and climbs. Too many walkers and hikers though. Sadly no jumps or features

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  • Josh Smithson

    I live in Louisville and have ridden this trail over 50 times. It's a good trail. The trail is well packed and has a nice mix of climbs and small descents. It is nice that it's so close.

    The problem with this trail is that there are sooo many walkers and dogs on the trails. If you ride here bring a whistle to scare people off the trails.

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  • Mal1996

    Trails were fantastic to include the new three miles recently added. Great trails with combinations of speed, technical, and down hill.

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  • Chris Shannon

    Neutral. Its great that it is located right in the city. The trail is fun to ride. There are many road crossings and the course is hard to navigate for non-locals.

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  • ChuckEastwood

    Decent trails. Not extremely technical but not much flow either but still fun. This is the trails that I pretty much cut my teeth on was extremely close to where I lived I still go here sometimes I have found other near by trails that can be more fun. The trails go on and off the road so its easy to miss some of the trails if you do it right you can pretty much hit them all in one run.

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  • lumn8

    Sweet-wish the trails had names and signage like turkey run.

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  • ittakes2freestyle

    An XC riders paradise. Very fast and flowy trails. Nothing real technical but some roots and rocky areas. Short climbs and nothing very difficult. If your looking to put some miles in this is a good place. The only drawback is that many of the trails end on the road and a lot of times it doesn't start right on the other side. You hafta ride up or down the road till you find another trail entrance. It is a shared trail and you will see many runners, dog walkers and hikers.

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  • kephas13

    If you can connect all of the trail parts it creates a pretty sizable loop. Fairly technical riding (lots of roots and rocks and turns) parts can be quite flowy, there seems to be something for everyone here; it can be quick if you want it to or it can be leisurely paced. The trails are well maintained, but heavily used by runners as well so you do have to dodge people on some of the more heavily used portions or if you ride on the weekends. All in all Cherokee Park is a fantastic place to ride, it's where I learned so I always come back.

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  • HairySingleTrackMonster

    Thank You ! A trail system with technical terrain! I was SO HAPPY to find Cherokee Park! I thoroughly enjoy old school single track with roots and rocks and short steep uphill climbs and downhills. It seems like everything out there these days is flow trail. If you want great single track, you'll find it still exists in Cherokee Park. What a gem. Awesome ride, recommended.

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  • LStadelmeier   ✓ supporter

    This was an interesting trail. A good ride or an urban system. Had a little difficulty finding a trail head.

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  • CFM   ✓ supporter

    Nice urban trail in a highly used park. The trail winds through wooded locations of the park, climbing and descending through switchbacks with some impressive rock work. It is hard to follow in spots if you don't know the area but we strung together enough sections to have a pretty good ride. Would definitely give it another go the next time I'm in Louisville.

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  • roknfnrol

    This is a great local technical trail, especially considering it's right in town. Make sure to do the Golf Course trail and Wilderness Loop as well as the main Cherokee trail loop. This will give you nearly 12mi. This trail is very close to my house and I ride it 2-3 times per week. It's good exercise and it will improve your bike handling skills as well.

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  • CyberBomb

    A great place to ride but very busy w/ hikers & that make it intolerable...

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  • abeowski

    I'm by no mean an expert rider, I would consider myself a low grade intermediate rider. Cherokee park is just to technically for me, there are way to many rocks and roots sticking out of the ground. Also there were too many people out on the trail and I had to stop more than a few times to let walkers/runners pass. The trails are horribly marked and you can't decifer where the trail will lead to next after it crosses the road, also I found myself on a Non-bike trail and a older gentleman let me know that, but if the trail was marked properly then there wouldn't have been an issue.
    Some parts of the trail just follow the road, which to me seems lazy, its almost like they said "hey lets go off the road 5ft and make a trail for about 100 yrds then hop back up on the road!"
    Needless to say I won't be going back to this trail, although it seems to be very popular its just not for me.

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  • cavedweller

    Great ride located in the heart of Louisville. This used to be my home trail till I moved away. I miss it very much. It's a well rounded intermediate singletrack that can be ridden in multiple ways. You can make a loop of it and it connects easily to the wilderness loop at the neighboring Seneca Park. The trail does pop on and off the blacktop road A Few times. Just follow the road a few hundred feet and you'll see where the trail takes back off on the other side. It has some advanced sections but nothing too hard. It's a good learning trail for all skill levels. It can get busy so watch out for hikers, runners and other riders, they seem to be everywhere on the weekends. Enjoy!!!

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  • dcteater

    Rode this trail in late June, 2013. Started at the fountain area and found out it was fast, I went too fast early on. Two dumps on rocks later and I slowed down. Got a little lost, found some locals who graciously let me ride with them. It was not all that challenging aerobically but the rocky areas and switchbacks combined with the trees and turns on downhills gave me a good challenge. I want to ride it again sometime when I am in Kentucky visiting.

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  • corndoggreg

    Cool trail right near downtown Louisville. KYMba has done some nice work here.

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  • DavidHood

    Combined with the Wilderness Loop in nearby Seneca park, the trails at Cherokee Park are great place to ride my 26" Nimbus (disc brake) Oracle Mountain Unicycle because they are not as technical or cardio demanding as Waverly and I take my wife or her uncle who aren't into the extreme technical trails found elsewhere and don't mind going slow enough for me to keep up.

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  • Pizza8me

    Great trail and great park. You can ride these trails all day. The trails will give you a good work out but nothing crazy. Take a map because you can get lost in the surrounding neighborhood. Bardstown Rd. is near by and you can get your bike fixed there or grab a bite to eat.

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  • eric-29er

    Great trail system for a ride after work. If you ride the whole trail through Cherokee and then into Seneca and back it is a good 60 min. workout. The trails have some good technical sections, a couple of good climbs and some fun flowy DH stuff. I highly recomend the system for Louisville area folks.

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Rider questions

Q: New to the area. I've been checking out local trails. Found out that a place called Briar Hill Park is right down the road from me (Crestwood). Can anyone tell me if they allow mountain biking at that park? Thanks