A person wearing a blue and yellow cycling helmet and a blue cycling jersey is taking a selfie while sitting on a mountain bike next to a calm river. Lush green trees line the riverbank under a clear blue sky with a few clouds. Chickasabogue Park mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 14 mi (22.5 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +187/ -155 ft
Total: 100 riders

Mountain Biking Chickasabogue Park

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#9 of 111 mountain bike trails in Alabama
#931 in the world

•currently closed for renovations Jan 2022-UTC•

The best place to ride within a hundred miles. Short steep climbs, with the occaisional sand section. It holds up well to rain. There are some new sections which were just recently cut, they are still a bit spongy, but should firm up in time. Expect an hour and a half unless you are some kind of NORBA animal. I heard that some guy on a Rocky Mountain full suspension bike did the whole loop in One hour and ten minutes. All I gotta say is wow!

First added by alvin.santoy on Jan 1, 2003. Last updated Mar 6, 2023. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: yes
  • Lift service: no
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: yes
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: yes
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Getting there
I-65 to three-mile exit, follow signs to Chickasabogue Park. Have one dollar ready and check direction of ride at park office.
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Mountain Bike Trails Near Mobile, Alabama

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  • LStadelmeier   ✓ supporter

    I last reviewed this trail system 4 years ago, and it was not a good experience. Decided to give it another try today. There has been a lot of work on the course, so much improved. A local told me the spiders would be gone this time of year, and he was correct. There must have been a race recently, their were race course markers at all turns. Overall I had a fun ride!

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  • Juddlewis

    I made the grave mistake riding theses trails in the late August of an Alabama summer for one reason-SPIDERS!!!!! Big giant Alabama banana spiders. I'm not the type of person whose terrified of spiders but I don't like them on me despite my best efforts it felt like every 100 feet I was stopping and pulling webs off my face or bailing off after feeling my whole face being draped in a web. Despite all this the trails are great and flow well there not too technical but have enough to keep you on your toes I'm looking forward to going back in the fall to thourly enjoy this great trail system. Unless you are Peter Parker you may not want to ride here during the summer. Will post an update in the fall

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  • Tom Merriott

    I really liked the Bogus. I've heard about it a lot on clubs message boards and laughed it off that it was as good as UWF. Well I think the trails are definitely as good as UWF and some are better. If it weren't for UWF's pits with the free ride area I would say it's better then UWF in some ways. Less roots is always a plus!!

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  • Tom Merriott

    I really liked the Bogus. I've heard about it a lot on clubs message boards and laughed it off that it was as good as UWF. Well I think the trails are definitely as good as UWF and some are better. If it weren't for UWF's pits with the free ride area I would say it's better then UWF in some ways. Less roots is always a plus!!

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  • Larry 1234

    Good fun trails with something for every one. It's marked a green trail but I wouldn't call it all green it's got some yellow and maybe some red too. With some big down hill and uphill. The pine straw is thick and the trail markings are in bad shape. But you can get a map at the gate ,take a min. To look at it. The ranger can explain how to get there and start your ride. Once you get the lay of the land you can make it flow. Good work out for you but not so bad the little one can't ride. It would be a faster trail if the pine straw was cleaned off. but it makes for a soft landing if you fall. It really is a fun ride.

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  • LStadelmeier   ✓ supporter

    Ok so a ride on a trail is better than nothing, but I must say this trail really needs some help. This trail needs some very intense work party's, the pine cones still cover the trail from last fall along with all of the broken branches. In addition, the spider webs are so thick, you actually have to stop and clear your body of them. I got bit today by a huge silver dollar sized spider, after looking up the spider it was not poisonous. The trail markings are not consistent with the trail map, so it is a crap shoot when you get to an intersection. I ended up going right at every junction and still only got in 7 miles. Unless work is done to the trail system I am done with it.

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  • rpmarheine

    Overly flat with few climbs or decents. Lots of spiderwebs and trail shows lack of use. I realize the area has little elevation to work with but I have seen better examples with the same topography.

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  • nswab-lowcountry_biking

    I was let down big time. There was an awesome YouTube clip if this trail and I was really looking forward to it. It was unridable due to over growth and neglect. Wish I didn't make the trip. Do not ride unless u verify its been worked on.

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  • RollTideRoll

    Rode it last weekend. Not to bad overall but I did see a couple of snakes hanging out on the side of the trails

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  • zacmartin

    I just rode this trail last weekend, and had a blast. The east side of I-65 has one or two sections that are pretty tough, but for the most part it's all pretty tame. This trail rates pretty high for me just because if you ride it fast it is a lot of fun. For a short ride, stay west of the interstate. There's only one place to cross the highway, and once you cross over you have to finish your loop or backtrack, which - either way - ends up adding a few miles to your ride that you may not have planned on. Not the most technical place to ride, but riders of ANY skill level can find something to enjoy here.

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  • tumbleweed14

    I came down from TN to visit a buddy and asked where the best place to ride was in Mobile area. I had low expectations for an area with no mountains or hills, but the trail turned out to be surprisingly fun. Speed and fun factor are directly proportional here. No speed = no fun, but carry it through corners and such and this trail can be a good time. Nothing fancy here, no bells, no whistles, but if you ride it right and have the right mindset then you might let out a hoot or holla like I did. The trail is fairly well marked. Exit points are given at every intersection. The sound of the Freeway is heard throughout the system. If Mobile gives you lemons...make lemonade.* Review edited 1/27/2008

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  • sandm96

    Rode these trails Feb 3, 2007 while visiting family. Trails were in great shape, some wet/muddy sections, but that's the Bogue, not near as bad as it was a few years ago. Someone has been working hard on keeping the trails clear and in shape. I love this trail. Mobile's very fortunate to have something that's technical and can be challenging without having hills or rocks. Go ride it, every inch of it.

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  • sandm96

    This was the first mtb trail I ever rode, back in 1991. It was a fun 3 mile loop back then. Now it's about 14 to 15 miles of southern singletrack. I moved away from Lower Alabama in June of '06, but I rode the 'Bogue just before I left. I didn't notice any sand traps back then, just the rooty, bug/spider infested trail it's ever been. For where it is, it's a great ride. No major uphills or downhills, but the ones that are there, mixed with just enough tight turns and roots, gives a ride that never really lets you rest. It's 14 miles of pedalling. (Besides, if you stop, the bugs will get you, and if you're the first one on the trail in the morning, you'll be picking off the giant banana spiders). I still love this trail, and will ride it when I go back to visit the folks.

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  • trailblaze1

    Rode this trail and all I can say is "Sand Trap Heaven" with some limited areas climbs.

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  • OnMyBike

    I'm new to Mobile and was concerned there would be no good riding here. Concerns have been eliminated. I rode this past weekend, doing only a few of the trails...very cool! Lots of roots, switchbacks, climbs and descents. There are easy sections and tight, more technical sections. I have a bunch to explore and can't wait till next weekend!

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