A mountain bike resting on rocky terrain in a natural landscape, featuring a waterfall and lush greenery in the background. Chiva Falls mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 8 mi (12.9 km)
Surface: 4x4 Trail
Configuration: Out & Back
Elevation: +1,426/ -1,429 ft
Total: 19 riders

Mountain Biking Chiva Falls

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#134 of 417 mountain bike trails in Arizona
#4,445 in the world

4 miles each way. Take forest road 4417 out of the parking and down into the valley. Take 4426 right and then 4405 to the falls, crossing 2 streams and travelling up the valley of the second stream.
The first stream runs thru Frog Hollow, 2 beautiful summer pools farther east on FR 4426.

First added by abegold on Oct 22, 2011. Last updated Apr 28, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
Drive up Reddington Pass to about mp 7 and there's parking on the right above the road.

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  • BFDiese

    Chiva rocks - seriously all granite.
    Not narrow but all high obstacle so I give it a black diamond.
    Those who complain must be road bikers in disguise. This is one bad ass and unforgiving trail. I don't understand how it gets an intermediate rating. Not single track but a be super rough jeep trail/ranch road. There is one section of single track if you take a right hand turn at the cattle tank about 2 miles in. This takes you down to an old Adobe ranch house ruin on the banks of the tanque verde head waters.
    Overall a black diamond trail for those who can ride it all. Giant drops and gnarly fast descents with huge air for those who dare.
    The section that I've never cleared in 20yrs of riding this trail is the loose dg scree covered climb up from the falls itself. Jeeps and quads all struggle at full power on this climb.

    The reddington pass area offers a wide array of trail options. the only true single track of any length is the Arizona trail descending from the Catalinas into Bellota ranch.

    Chiva out and back is a short but tough 8 miles. Try high Chiva loop for an additional 10 miles by my estimate.
    The descent back to the falls is not for the faint of heart.

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  • MatthewKvilvang

    Not too bad of a trail. Very wide and rocky, several heavily rutted sections and a few hike a bike places. More of a quad/moto trail if that's what your looking for. Way out in the middle of nowhere too which is a good thing for me.

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  • TellurideFreeride

    i have to disagree with the last poster. I have been going to chiva since the 90's. True it is a 4X4 road and it does have hike a bike sections, so dont expect a pristine singletrack ride. But if you like rocks and pounding your bike on hard terrain you'll like this trail. One of my favorite trails in Tucson and way out in the middle of nowhere too!

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  • TreyGL6

    First off...this is a 4x4/Moto ROAD...NOT a Bike Trail!!! It's wide, super rocky, up & down, rutted Mess! The Falls are good to look at even if it's only a trickle of water. But, not worth the effort for me. Wish I hadn't wasted my time.

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