City Trails - Marietta Hs trail photo
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Level: Beginner
Length: 4 mi (6.4 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +118/ -229 ft
Total: 11 riders

Mountain Biking City Trails - Marietta Hs

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#62 of 116 mountain bike trails in Ohio
#4,957 in the world

One can enjoy this network of trails in either direction. The loop will take you around and down under the school. As you cross the bridge under the school, go left or right and the trail will loop again. The figure 8 loop is 2 miles total. Off the one loop there is a new trail about 1.5 miles long that connects to the inner loop in two places. About a mile of road can connect you from Kris Mar Woods to this section of trails. Then you can ride back Colgate to the top of the hill at red light, go left for about 100 feet then turn right into the field, see the singletrack marked with a diamond. Follow this trail and it will bring you out on blacktop just above the intersection with Green Street and Colgate Drive. Maps available soon to link all the trails in Marietta together. More trail on the way which will eliminate more road miles between singletrack. Can all be ridden by parking downtown. Visit the wonderfull little town while there. Visit for more details as they become available.

First added by Outdoornut on Feb 7, 2009. Last updated May 3, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
Enter Marietta OH from I-77, at the first major red light, go right on Acme St. Go to end of street (must go left or right) at Green St. Go left and go to the next light and turn right on Colgate Drive. Follow Colgate till you pass Selby Gen. Hospital, then take the next left. Should be a sign there for Marietta High School. As you near the parking area note the trail to the right and left where the gate used to be. Park in the parking lot. Don't forget to hit the new Cisler Trail up to Jackson Park / Cisler Dr. That's good reason to start over at like Kris-Mar trails and then tie them together with Glendale Rd. and Cisler Drive to add more miles. You can also hit the Middle School (Jr.High) trails nearby Kris-Mar to get even more singletrack miles.

City Trails - Marietta Hs Trail map

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Good (Jun 23, 2019)
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Mountain Bike Trails Near Marietta, Ohio

Beginner | 12 mi
| 3 mi
Intermediate | 2 mi
| 13 mi

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  • DumpTruck

    Awesome trails in the city wash to string several together for days of fun

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  • rsb201

    A small part of a vast trail system in downtown Marietta. By way of city streets, this trail will connect you to over 20 miles of flow in the city limits.

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  • mtbrunner

    it was so easie to find and so fun it has trails that are for begginers and for more advanced riders i rode the advanced ones and there was everthing from rock piles to bored that lead up log that u droped of off it was awesome

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  • Outdoornut

    A new trail has been added to the High School area. Cisler trail runs from Cisler Dr. near Jackson Park down to the High School trails. It adds a little bit of technical and speed to the trail system. 1.2 miles long. It's nice to have trails to ride right in town. Yes, they are not your technical riding you get in the Wayne, but it gets you in the woods. If you are so easily bored that these trails bother you, go play in traffic. If you connect all the trails in town you can get a good workout without driving miles to get other trails. I'm adding the gps to the map.* Review edited 5/14/2010

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  • hdbandit

    nothing special only a couple nice climbs no tec obsticals

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  • Outdoornut

    Hey we have some maps available on the
    WWW.RVMBA.COM website. You can download just the High School Trails, Kris_Mar Trails or the entire city map showing the location of all the trails at this time. Copy and paste the following link.

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