A tranquil woodland scene featuring a path beside a calm, partially frozen lake. The area is surrounded by bare trees, with fallen leaves scattered on the ground, suggesting a late fall or early winter setting. Clayton Park mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 10 mi (16.1 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +139/ -131 ft
Total: 134 riders

Mountain Biking Clayton Park

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#16 of 111 mountain bike trails in New Jersey
#1,306 in the world

Clayton is a roller coaster with a few hard climbs and depending on the direction you ride it there are some screaming downhills. Trails are fairly wide open and usually pretty dry.

First added by searsandrewj on Apr 9, 2004. Last updated Dec 3, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: yes
  • Lift service: no
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: no
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: no
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
take i-195 to allentown exit,and follow to main street in allentown.make a right on main,go across the bridge and make left onto high street,this is route 539,follow 539 to cream ridge golf course and make the left across from the clubhouse,follow that road to the end,make a left and a quick right. the parking lot is ahead of you on the left side.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Allentown, New Jersey

| 15 mi
Intermediate | 12 mi

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  • JohnEsc

    Super fun. Be ready for some hill climbs that lead to some exciting downhill runs. A few obstacles set up. Trails are wide and seem well maintained, didn't find any sections that were overgrown, most fallen trees were cut up or used as an obstacle.

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  • C5Driver

    Good condition. Starting to become covered with leaves.

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  • VECON Sports   ✓ supporter

    Clayton Park is located in Upper Freehold New Jersey. These trails are only a few miles long, but they are a great place to get in a quick ride if you're local, or to get outside when other trails in the area are too wet to ride. You literally can not get lost in here which is something that we consider a plus. I know there are tons of you guys out there that love the thrill of suddenly not being able to find your way back to the car, but that's not us. Check out the elevation screen from our ride here. Tons of ups and downs. Some of the downs are extended enough to be pretty fun. This place was totally packed with hikers and a few horses when we were there, but to be fair- it was New Year's Day, so I think the New Year's -go for a hike thing was in full effect. A Quick way to describe this trail system would be - Wide -(like wide enough for horses) - packed clay - with a lot of ups and downs. If you take a few loops around, it's a great way to spend an afternoon.

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  • Bstrope

    Always a great little roller coaster of a ride, some small patches of frozen puddles but otherwise clear and fast.

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  • TMBrennan

    Fun place to ride. Some nice loops and some short downhill challenges, mostly because of recent erosion from the hard rain. Trails are well maintained and there are several nice bridges. Highly recommend it for hiking and some challenging biking. You can ride all the trails in under an hour.

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  • JoeCool130

    This park isn't very big but it's a really fun place to ride. The climbs are pretty tough and will give you a great work out. You can pick up a lot of speed on the downhills and there is a few nice drops. Great place to check out and have a fun time riding in any weather.

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  • Daniel12

    Im trying to explore as many "local" trails as possible. Clayton offers nice climbs and wide open trails. I will be visiting again for the climbing.

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  • Jugginrock

    Rode the trails and also told my 9 yr old hiking on the trails. Both aspects are very good. Trails are also wide enough to walk and also allow the riders to pass by. Very good trails. Will def recommend.

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  • Msestinek

    Nice trails but I don't see how this is ten miles. Maybe more like 5. Mostly packed dirt with small roots. Nice scenery for the fall. Track is pretty wide at least a couple of feet in most areas

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  • zmodica

    to add to my original review...it seems because of the dry summer we had, there are now sand patches on all the trails. Keep your head up, the sand is deep and and is at the bottom of hills. Great park, great ride..it is getting more and more crowded now that the leaves are turning, so be aware of hikers etc. Aso, they will be opening this to hunting soon, so wear something bright orange (no hunting on sundays)

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  • dekline71

    Best thing about this place is the grippy redish dirt. Good place to check out if you have gotten bored of the flatness of Allaire. It has a big but short downhill near the beginning if u make a right at first fork. Overall Short climbs & short descents that loop. Few obstacles and some half a foot root drops. Relatively small park, the outer loop is about 3 to 4 miles from my gps. Good trail for beginners who may want to get a bit more intermediate with speed, roots & drops. Be wary, Lot of hikers on the trail, its also known to have the occasional horse rider.

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  • zmodica

    just got back into the sport after a 20 year break. I love this park. Nice and fast, lots of climbs/descents. Some roots to keep you honest. It poured the night before but the trail was dry. Beware, you have to share with hikers, dogs, and horses

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  • Marathon nut

    Good for beginners. Not very technical, plenty of space to get around the hikers. There are some signs that say pedestrians only but they clearly were made for bikers (I didn't follow the sign).

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  • mtnbike999

    Not very challenging but a good place for a fast ride. Some roots, short climbs, and nice,but short, downhills. It is only about 5 miles so you need to do the park twice for a decent ride.

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  • R Treb

    This is my personal favorite spot. You are picking up about 1000 ft of elevation gain in about 10 miles ride. Great climbs, good short downhill blasts. And the dirt is usual perfect red clay. Love Clayton dirt. Mostly buttery smooth and fast.Your tires will cling to this dirt like a baby wombat clings to its mother. It is a Multi use trail in every sense, so respect hikers, horses and little kids in summer trying to ride there without helmets on huffy bmx bikes (all the time).

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  • nopardaid

    Really well made and planned out trail, good downhills and challenging uphills. I live 45 min away and would drive that again to go. It took me 20 extra minutes to find the trail head, use this addy:
    Clayton County Park
    137-173 Emleys Hill Rd
    Cream Ridge, NJ 08514

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  • aarules609

    Awesome trails here for the intermediate. Fun down hills and definitely some good "Shut up legs" up hill climbs! One of my favorites other than Wells Mills white trail and Allaire State Park. AA OUT!!!

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  • jim180

    Really enjoyed these trails. No rocks, a moderate amount of roots, and some good sandy sections.,Only 1 or 2 short steep climbs, but some nice long low grades to work your lungs going up and to get some nice speed coming down. Nice scenery around the river with some wooden bridges as well.

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  • rmap01   ✓ supporter

    This is a nice little trail system that's comprised of relatively short interconnecting trails (I'd estimate about 5-6 miles). What I find most enjoyable about this system is the fact that there are several "relatively" steep climbs, albeit relatively short duration, and that will at least allow you to get the heart rate up on the climbs as well as get a little adrenaline rush on the downhills. The trails are pretty wide with a number of sandy areas that add a bit of complexity. Other than that there are some (but few) roots and some logpiles/obstacles to roll if you are looking for them. Not a destination IMHO but it's great for a nice short workout if you're in the area.

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  • Chase Ballard

    A fun hour and a half. Nicely placed logs and and both rooty turny downhill runs and some strait (minimal turns) downhill runs that you can pick up some serious speed on. Lung blasting climbs and some scenic strait aways.

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