A red mountain bike leaning against a wooden signpost in a snow-covered landscape, with a backpack on the ground nearby. The scene includes a snowy path leading into the distance, surrounded by evergreen trees, under a cloudy sky. Coed Llandegla mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 17 mi (27.4 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +176/ -246 ft
Total: 45 riders

Mountain Biking Coed Llandegla

*****   Add a review
#3 of 22 mountain bike trails in Wales
#652 in the world

The forest has 4 trails- green for families, blue for beginners, red is for experienced XC riders and black is extreme downhill and technically challenging track. Red and black runs are very good, well maintained and break off from the blue route so the chance of coming across inexperienced riders is slim. Great singletrack, technical climbs and awesome descents and some nice scenery. The visitor centre has a bike shop and great cafe too. Toilets and a bike wash are located next to the carpark.

First added by real_ale_cannondale on Mar 30, 2008. Last updated Apr 28, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
Coed Llandegla Forest is located on the A525, 7 miles west of Wrexham. From Chester take the A483 south from Chester towards Wrexham then take the A525 west, signed Ruthin. From the Ruthin area take the A525 east towards Wrexham. Coed Llandegla Forest is signed from the road.
System trails (1)
Intermediate difficultyLlandegla Black*****15 mi
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  • unicorpoo

    Absalutaly amazing

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  • p4ko88

    loved it!

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  • Jim Cummings

    They've certainly gone to town with their wooden structures at Coed Llandegla - they're stunning! Overall the skills areas are great, fun and up with the play - unlike the singletrack...

    Overall it's a very limited bike park with just four trails imaginatively called Green, Blue, Red and Black. You find the Blue, Red and Black trails after a long ride up a gently rising forestry road. Then the singletrack starts. They are good trails in the old fashioned style - they are pleasant rides through decent scenery with some technical flair but don't expect to find the quality fun stuff you'll get in a modern international bike park.

    There is a huge parking area where the parking attentant will smile as he takes the hefty parking fee from you! The food in the cafe is varied if unhealthy and the bike shop is friendly with a good range of hire bikes.

    Their website is quite good with lots of photos and offers helpful advice such as "ride within your ability"... !!!!

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  • Alex Farrow

    Awesome trail centre, black route is serious fun, great bike park, pump track and free ride area too. B line is a superb jump line. Best in N Wales

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  • olimoo

    This is the place i've ridden most in Wales. Why? Because its awesome.

    Its got enough technical climbing and weaving through trees to keep the XC fan happy and then some fantastic black graded downhill runs that throw you over jumps, doubles and round berms in a way that leaves you feeling a pro and grinning from ear to ear.

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  • jskiffin

    Excellent trail

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