The Colorado trail From Kenosha Pass to Georgia Pass might be the best section of the Colorado Trail on the Front Range ! If it weren't for those mosquitoes ! West Jefferson Trail is a really fun somewhat technical downhill. It all depends on your ability. I have seen the whole thing ridden with only a dab or two bridges included!
From Kenosha Pass follow the Colorado trail to the West Jefferson Trail about 11 miles , just before the Georgia Pass summit . The first five miles of the Colorado Trail is rolling single track with lots of roots and a few technical sections and three bridges . The next six miles is a climb to timberline . It gets a little easier after lunch rock . I usually need lunch before this point!
West Jefferson Trail stars off with a ride across the alpine tundra then drops you down into the trees to a series of switchbacks then its some fast narrow singletrack down along the creek! The trail is very technical in places. Watch out for the bottomless mud holes!
When you reach the campground you can either ride through it or around on the horse trail. Pick up the trail on the other end of the campground, Follow this trail a short distance back to the Colorado Trail and ride back to Kenosha Pass . Now that rolling singletrack seems like all up hill!
Really nice big ride at elevation. It will tax many riders.
Thank |Really fun! Love riding above timberline!
Thank |In my opinion, this section of trail makes the Kenosha to Georgia roundtrip worthwhile and one of my favorite altitude rides. Alpine tundra, deep green woods and big trees, BURLY switchbacks, in-your-face roots, water crossings, some really fast flats, and all singletrack until you hit the campground and reconnect with the Colorado Trail.
* Review edited 8/6/2012
Thank |What a great trail. It's a drive from Denver, but so worth it. Something for everyone here: juicy, curvy singletrack; fast descents; Fast flats; Technical ups and downs; Rocks, roots and creeks!
One of my favorite trails anywhere, bring your lungs, the altitude makes what would be a fairly medium level ride into a beast!
Thank |Amazing !!!
Thank |Note: When you come down the West Jefferson Trail and reach Jefferson Campground, keep going straight and the trail will pick up just past the last campground.
This is pure Colorado riding. it is nearly all singletrack, and technical enough to keep you on your toes, with a few short sections being particularly intense. (It's also pretty high altitude, around 9,000 feet if memory serves)
Near the start is a downhill section that drops about 500 feet in elevation, and yes, you have to climb it on the way out.
After that is climbing, climbing and some more climbing.
At the top of the pass, the trail continues on to Breckenridge, but the section referenced here turns around and drops down Jeffferson trail, which reconnects with the trail you came in on.
The Jefferson section is steep and technical, so going back the way you came is a viable alternative if you don't want that.
Either way, going back down is bumpy, but fast. In fact, this is the trail that turned me off to hardtails forever and is the reason I now have a full suspension.
Thank |