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Level: Beginner
Length: 13 mi (20.9 km)
Surface: Fire Road
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: -
Total: 15 riders
Mountain Biking Cooper Creek
#216 of 405 mountain bike trails in Georgia
Continue biking along Cooper Creek road. This ride circles the Cooper Creek Scenic area. When the road forks with 33a going left and 33 going right, head left on 33a. (You're going to keep going left). Head left on USFS 39 for a totally bomber downhill, and Left again on USFS 4 for just a little bit, and then left again at the sign towards Cooper Creek campground to finish the loop (I missed this turn). This is a nice forest road ride out in the middle of nowhere. It feels like there is a hill around every turn, with almost constant climbing and descending. A nice secluded ride! For reference, pick up the Trails Illustrated map for the region (highly recommended), and/or Jim Parham's "Off the Beaten Track."
First added by Greg Heil on Jan 16, 2010. Last updated Apr 28, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
- Drinking water: unknown
- Lift service: unknown
- Night riding: yes
- Pump track: unknown
- Restrooms: unknown
- Fat bike grooming: unknown
- E-bikes allowed: unknown
- Fee required: unknown
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From Dahlonega GA, head north on HWY 60 through Suches to Cooper Creek road. Take a right on Cooper Creek, and drive to the junction with FS Road 236 on the left. Park here.
This is a great forest service road ride during the winter if you want to get miles in but the singletrack is too wet and you want to stay off of the pavement. Some good climbs on this loop.
Thank |A decent forest road ride if you are in the area and need to get some miles in. Good veiws of the creek and surrounding hills and mountains. Too bad some of the many hiking trails in the area aren't open to bikes. Lots of singletrack out there begging for tires but it's all off limits to bikes. :( BTW, the cooper creeek campground in the area is a pretty nice spot.
Thank |