The first 2 km are hard-packed gravel ATV track (no motorized vehicle in summer, snowmobiles use it in winter) Past Crane Lake it starts to get a few baby heads, by km 4 it turns into super bumpy limestone ATV doubletrack. Continues this way to 1/2 km from the end where it goes into Cedar forest with some soft soil and some limestone. A couple of small, somewhat technical climbs. If you want to get right to Georgian Bay, the last 200 m of trail is walking only with a rope to help you down the very steep face. You can see the Bay from where you can no longer ride but it's a commitment to go down to the water (and back up) All in all, glad i satisfied my curiosity but there are more interesting trails to ride. No real vista's or trail features to speak of, just some hard slogging over bumpy double-track