Steamboat Springs is a mountain biking destination on the rise--and not slowly. In fact, the web of trails surrounding Steamboat is expanding in leaps and bounds with new trail development taking place…
Originally a built as a forest service multi use trail before the bike park existed, this ripping descent has been adopted as a pseudo bike park trail, though it is still open to two-way traffic. This is a ripping descent with a few short rises that features some great flow, a few tech spots, and a narrower trail tread than you'll find in the bike park.
One of my favorite quick laps on the mountain. Fast, techie, flowy descent, got just about everything you want out of one. Well worth checking out
Thank |Originally a built as a forest service multi use trail before the bike park existed, this ripping descent has been adopted as a pseudo bike park trail, though it is still open to two-way traffic. This is a ripping descent with a few short rises that features some great flow, a few tech spots, and a narrower trail tread than you'll find in the bike park.
Thank |Black Diamond
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