A narrow, rocky trail winding through a forest, surrounded by green foliage and patches of sunlight filtering through the trees. The ground is covered with rocks and scattered leaves, indicating a natural, earthy environment. Curse Of The Dark Hollow mountain bike trail.
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Level: Advanced
Length: 25 mi (40.2 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +1,013/ -918 ft
Total: 49 riders

Mountain Biking Curse Of The Dark Hollow

****   Add a review
#56 of 293 mountain bike trails in Pennsylvania
#2,327 in the world

The trail starts in the parking lot. The trail head is at a yellow gate and pretty wide to begin.

First added by paullavoie on Aug 3, 2007. Last updated Apr 28, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
From Gettysburg, take route 30 west to Caledonia State Park. At the light turn right and go approximately 8 miles to Shippensburg Road. Take a Left onto Shippensburg road - parking area is at the top of the hill - you'll see it to your left before you get to the road that goes up into it. Take a left onto a dirt road to the parking area.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Chambersburg, Pennsylvania

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  • stumpyfsr   ✓ supporter

    I give this trail 4 stars only for lack of signs and maps. Otherwise haven't ridden anything similar on the East. These trails remind me either Lunch Loop or Whole Enchilada (with equal climb and descent though).
    This trail not for beginners and even some intermediates might not like it. Climbs are long, rocky and steep, very steep but downhills are just so worth the effort. A good mar or GPS is a must have. Start early and prepare for a long day of unforgettable riding.

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  • lawmanfl

    Nice mountain trail, but markings were terrible/non-existent. There were a couple locals that said they were getting ready for a race, but were complete douche bags and gave us the wrong directions. It made the ride very unpleasant, and showed very poor camaraderie within the sport. I always welcome new guys to my local parks that I have been riding for over 15years.

    Other than the poor experience the trail has fast down hills and many rocks that were technical, but fun and challenging. Put a couple more lbs in the tires so you don't dent your rims.

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  • scottxpc

    my first time on this trail it is very rocky and technical will be back for sure !!!

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  • Slow

    The parking lot is at the snowmobile crossing sign on the left of shippensburg rd. Makes it easier to find.
    The trailhead is at the back of the rear lot. Once on the trail turn right at trail marker #1. If its still there!
    Once you bomb to the bottom of that trail you will wind through some tight single trac and pop out on an old log path. Donot take the first right turn single trac. Follow the log path up about half a mile and find trail marker #2 at the top of a switchback. This is the single trac everyone raves about in michaux.
    Once at the top of the ridge you will pass a fire ring. Then watch close for an unmarked left turn. Follow this trail all the way to the lake.
    This trail is not for beginners. Knee and elbow pads might be a good idea.
    At the lake, cross the road and follow the breast trail out to Birch Run rd. Once there to go back to the parking lot turn right on birch run. To continue the race loop turn left on birch run, ride the fire rd to the next intersection, turn left again and theres a yellow gate on the right about 200 yards.
    Ride this path up and cross the powerline, continue to the next left turn (its a clearly defined intersection, not a the camping clearing!) its about 1/4 to 1/2 mile to this left turn from the yellow gate.
    Follow this trail to the top of yellow ridge. Once up there it splits at a tree, take the right turn then bomb one of the best trails down to the road. At the road, turn right and go back up the hill. at the top take the yellow gate on the right and keep right. cross water twice, after the second crossing watch for blue blazes on the right. Follow blue blazes back to lake.
    If this doesn't help you then get out of the woods!
    To get back easy ride birch run road straight to the lot. About three miles give or take.

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  • aabiking   ✓ supporter

    I rode 16 miles of the 25 mile race loop. This trail is a combination of Single track and a little bit of fireroad. The single track is very rocky and technical. It is definately the most rocky trail that I have ever been on. I like this kind of stuff though. You hardly get a chance to take a brake and relax your grip on the bars unless you come to a stop. The trails are not marked well and I had to do some back tracking to find my way but it was my first time riding the trail system.

    I would recommend downloading the GPS data and taking it with you if you have a GPS.

    If you like very technical riding then this track is a must ride. I come to Gettysburg for work a couple times a year so I will definately be back
    * Review edited 9/30/2007

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  • paullavoie

    From the parking lot, the trail starts through the woods near the yellow gate.

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