A mountain bike leaning against a rock with a foggy lake and forested landscape in the background. The scene captures a serene, overcast day, highlighting the natural beauty of the outdoors. Depot Road Singletracks/FOMBA mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 10 mi (16.1 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +43/ -54 ft
Total: 119 riders

Mountain Biking Depot Road Singletracks/FOMBA

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#8 of 114 mountain bike trails in New Hampshire
#1,228 in the world

These are a series of 11 individual singletracks built by FOMBA (Friend of Massabesic Biking Association). Some technical stuff and a few small hills, but they are superb, classy, fast and extremely fun. Some of the best singletracks in the state!!!

First added by Baneamofe on Jan 1, 2003. Last updated May 8, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: yes
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
Take exit 2 from Rte. 101 East out of Manchester, NH. Take second left onto Depot Road, and drive down to the parking lot on the left. Bike through the field on the right to the trails, which are all named.

Depot Road Singletracks/FOMBA Trail map

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Auburn, New Hampshire

| 30 mi
| 12 mi
Easiest | 5 mi
Intermediate | 7 mi

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  • sandyg

    Favorite place to go!

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  • Michael Lemieux

    Extremely windy New England singletrack. A lesson in how to fit 10 miles of trail into 40 acres

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    Singletracks closed . New signs posted march 6th. Due to muddy conditions and trying to preservr integrity of trails. Until further notice.

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  • zgcracker

    Fomba trails are good fun. Some are more technical (Fire Line, Long Trail) than others. All the trails are very twisty and turny. They maximize the space they use but because of this, most of the trails lack good flow. In most cases, as soon as you get up a good pace, there is a hairpin turn to shut your speed down. Some might find this enjoyable. I do not. The best trail is the Woodpecker. It is smooth and generally pretty fast and flowy. I ride woodpecker to hemlock, then I turn around and ride them in reverse. Not a long ride, but the most fun. Red Pine and Sampler are the easiest for an introduction to singletrack riding. Moose Track, Fisher Cat and Deer Run are more technical, but easier than Fire Line or Long Trail.

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  • mistav

    Had fun on the short trails off of the state snowmobile trails. They varied in length from 1.1 miles down to 1/5 of a mile. Lots and lots of roots and rocks. These trails are very curvy, which kept me awake and focused but it also meant that I never got any speed going. (I am not normally a speed demon by any means.) Trails are well maintained and very well marked. Thanks FOMBA, for a fun afternoon! I will definitely be going back soon.

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  • mistav

    Spent about an hour and a half riding a bunch of short trails off of the state snow mobile trails and I really enjoyed it ! The trails were very, very curvy and had lots and lots of tree roots and rocks and a few small ups and downs. The longest trail I hit today was 1.1 miles and the shortest was 1/5 of a mile. I am new to this sport and there was no place that I felt comfortable enough to get any speed. Do plan on going back and trying some more trails but I was having tire problems so i stopped when I did. Thanks FOMBA for all your hard work making the trails, maintaining them and keeping them very well marked.

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  • mstth1

    Nice mix of gravel roads, Snowmobile trails with Singletrack loops off of them. Good For all levels. Can go for miles and miles on snowmobile trails. Singletrack have a lot of rocks and roots. Also quick turns so no high speeds here, but fun.

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  • *****

    Best trails in southeast NH. Lots of tight twisty turns.
    If you are an experienced rider you will love these trails.
    To any one who says these trails are too difficult there are plenty fire roads and a railroad bed for family rides.

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  • akrantz

    This is my home trail and why I love to bike. The FOMBA trails vary in difficulty. My only complaint is that noone has really posted the ratings at the trialheads. I have tried several different trails and I find Woodpecker to be the easiest, least technical trial. Hemlock Loop is tougher but still very doable for a beginer. I have run Red Pine, Moose Tracks and Deer Run. I find these 3 to be pretty hard and cause me to fall pretty regular.

    FOMBA is basically a mountain bikers amusement park. I plan on honing my skills here for years to come.

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  • tbubier

    Me and a few friends went here recently and it was honestly the worst place I have ever ridden. Just terrible. Let me explain why. First off the trails we rode just had a very poor lay out. You never got going fast and the few times you actually.started picking up speed you are face either with some silly 180 degree turn or a beat up, loose, rocky climb. Next the trails are so rocky/rooty that you are constantly pedalling just to stay upright. There is no flow to any of the trails we rode just awkward tight turns and washed out corners. Now I like a challenge just like everyone else, but this place wasn't even challenging, it was just annoying. So yeah, I would say avoid gonna and go ride some place else. There are way.better options in the area.

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  • Doomed

    Very tight very twisty trails. Very well maintained and marked. There is no place to get speed due to the technical features and twists in the trails so an HT isn't the right equipment for this area. My bad. Very cool trails though. I rode Lady slipper,counter-clockwise, would have been better clockwise, and Deer run. They kicked my butt. Fun and challenging.

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  • eastwood   ✓ supporter

    It's all been said before.... trails are well maintained, signage is super (names and distances), enough roots/rocks to keep you paying attention, but not so overwhelming to make you hate the ride by any means, short up and downs but no serious climbs, super tight and twisting throughout which does keep speeds down. Great set of trails. Throw in the fire roads and marked snowmobile trail and you could probably get some good mileage in there. Certainly a place to help with your cornering and agility.

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  • eharding19

    Went for my first time yesterday. I rode the 3 mile Fire Line. This is a fun yet tough ride. Many hills and a few nice drop offs. Looking forward to going back and doing all the trails.

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  • maineskiaddict

    Finally made it to FOMBA yesterday. There is definitely something for everyone. As mentioned, trails are WELL marked and meticulously maintained. There are definitely two different sides to FOMBA - One side is rooty, rocky, and technical hell. The other is fast, flowy singletrack. The roller on Red Pine is no joke...steep, Steep, STEEP. Fire Line is a total technical challenge...tough climbs filled with rocks, massive roots, and some tight turns. Looking forward to getting back soon.

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  • Joel_Stover

    First real trails that i rode on very fun! overs a variety of terrain, difficulty and skill. and its close!

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  • adams45

    this was the first trail i rode
    it was the most fun i have had since

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  • Fitch

    FOMBA is a gorgeously maintained series of trails in Auburn, NH watched over by the riding community. Every trail is marked with a length and name, and a copy of a map will ensure you never get lost. The riding itself ranges from rooty and rocky FS fun to smooth pine forest singletrack. There's a bit of something for everyone here, including the steepest roller I've ever seen. I'm looking forward to heading back in the spring!

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  • mullen2024

    I like technical riding. These trails are riddled with plenty of rocks and roots, including turns, inclines and descent. These are my favorite trails to ride.

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  • HoldFst18

    This is a great series of trails. If you ride this weekly you are sure to improve, not to many tough climbs but pretty technical on the inner trails (Long Trail, Moose Run, etc.). The large rocks and roots keep even experts on their toes. Every short climb over many obstacles is followed by a short downhill with you boucing up off the saddle. Great trails for every skill level and a great training ride to be used often. FOMBA sure did a great job!

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  • Bayrider

    I live in northern MA and I still travel the 45 minutes to get to Auburn. It's the best riding around because it is so well maintained and whoever created the trail network did a fantastic job. Well worth the drive if you don't live nearby.

    Be careful of hunters in the fall (wear some red or yellow) and dogsled training in the fall / winter. Dog training is mostly on the fire roads and snowmobile trails though. Enjoy...

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Rider questions

Q: are all trails open 2.27.16