This is intended as a hiking trail and I might have been the first to ride it. It is marked no motorized vehicles. I asked the Sheriff if it was alright to ride it and he said if it was not marked no bikes, go for it. The trail is difficult, not worn by bikes. Over roots, rocks, grass, with little room to squeeze in many places. This is a beautiful natural area, so let's keep it that way. Pack out your garbage (cans at campground) and TREAD lightly. Divide lake is a designated trout lake, so buy your license, ride the trail in the afternoon and find a good spot to fish, then have a nice trout dinner (be aware the trout's dinner time is usually between 4:00-6:00 p.m.)
Superior National Forest is my favorite place. I have been many places, but the north woods is my eden. This is a hiking trail that goes around Divide Lake. The trail is not worn to mountain bikes and is difficult in places. Rocks, roots, and trees. A load of fun, ride the trail, do some fishing, make some smores. Be happy! Please tread lightly on this trail, exit for any hikers, and pack out your garbage. Great trout fighing and beautiful scenery. Very few bugs, pleasant weather in June and July.
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