A rocky landscape featuring large boulders and patches of greenery, with several coniferous trees scattered throughout. In the foreground, two bicycles are resting on the ground among the rocks. The sky is partly cloudy, indicating a bright day. Dolly Sods North (while Available) mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 30 mi (48.3 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: -
Total: 15 riders

Mountain Biking Dolly Sods North (while Available)

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#22 of 112 mountain bike trails in West Virginia
#2,477 in the world

You can take Rocky Ridge Trail, overlooking Canaan Valley all the way to the end. There is some fantastic scenery and extremely technical rock riding ahead. You will come to at least a couple mandatory (unrideable by anyone) hike-a-bike sections though they are not long. When you get to the end of that trail take Raven Ridge trail and then choose which other trails you wish to make your loop with. NOTE: THIS PLACE WILL NOT BE ACCESSABLE TO BICYCLES FOR LONG IF IT MAKES IT THROUGH THE SENATE TO BE DESIGNATED AS WILDERNESS AREA. SO DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND GET OUT THERE SOON BEFORE IT'S OFF LIMITS.

First added by Outdoornut on Jul 29, 2008. Last updated May 1, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
Take Rt.32 south out of Davis WV, when you get to the long straight-a-way in Canaan Valley, turn left on Freeland Rd. just before Canaan Valley State Park. If coming from Harman, north on Rt.32, go just past Canaan Valley State Park and turn right on Freeland Rd. Follow this road till you come to gravel. Take the gravel road for about 60 feet and park on your right if you don't mind about a 2.1 mile climb on the gravel road. If you wish to cut out that climb you can go part way up the mountain and park or all the way to the top and park. The trail system starts just after the gravel road ends at some large mudholes. Pick up a map at Blackwater bikes before entering the area. There are numerous trails all interconnected making numerous routes to ride. A must do is Rocky Ridge Trail which takes you up on the ridge overlooking Canaan Valley.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Canaan Valley, West Virginia

Intermediate | 15 mi
Advanced | 8 mi
Intermediate | 20 mi
| 4 mi

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  • SolutionWorks

    The trail at Canaan Valley and the Davis area are great. Lots of great paths for all skill levels and beautiful scenery to go along with it. If anyone is looking for a place to stay, go check out http://funinwestvirginia.com/ . They offer some great places for really affordable prices.

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  • Outdoornut

    Well folks, it's over ! Have been advised by a reliable source who was just up there a couple days ago, the signs are now posted "Wilderness Area" - No Bicycles Allowed! Sorry if you didn't get to ride this area before it was made off limits for your bikes and other mechanical devices. It is a beautiful place, especially Rocky Ridge Trail if you are into hiking.

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  • Outdoornut

    Hey fellow mountain bikers, can't tell you when they will post any signs for the new wilderness, however as of 5/30/09 there are still none there. We rode it earlier in the month and on the 30th and no signs yet. Note one of the pictures still shows bikes allowed. Better get it while the bureaucrats are fumbling with what and when to do it. We had a couple awesome rides in May. It gave me the opportunity to hit every trail in the North Sods so I can always remember it from the seat of my bike.

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  • Outdoornut

    Well, looks like the Wilderness Bill passed both the House and Senate and just needs the signature of Mr. President, if that hasn't already occured. This is just a total freaking shame that we can no longer "leagally" enjoy this beautiful place from the seat of our bikes. The bureaucratic morons could have chosen numerous other designations that would have still allow us mountain bikers the opportunity to enjoy it, however they have other agendas. What's next ? No bikes here, no bikes there?

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  • Outdoornut

    Just did an awesome 15 person group ride in the North Sods on Sept. 20th, 2008. What a great time we all had. Note, we had ridden through the area in a clockwise direction serveral weeks ago, sparking my adding this trail to the list. However, we rode nearly the same ride counter clockwise and wow, what a difference. It was a much better ride IMHO. Suggested ride, is park at the top of the mountain on Freeland Rd., follow the old road to the first Trailhead sign and go straight (kinda left) onto Rocky Ridge Trail take a right on Harman Trail and ride down it to Blackbird Knob Trail. Go left on Blackbird knob trail. When you walk across the unrideable stream crossing on that trail, do not turn left or right, the trail go straight up through a very rocky section of trail in a tunnel like pine thicket. Keep riding till you come to Upper Red Creek Trail (#509) and go left on it. When it ends on Dobbin Grade Trail, go right for about 500 feet and then turn up the hill on Raven Ridge Trail and take your time on the long easy climb, looking back often for the view. You will stay left at the intersection of Bear Rocks Trail and ride past the next trail on your left at the top of the mountain. Follow Raven Ridge till you reach the end at Rocky Ridge Trail and go left on Rocky Ridge. Enjoy the scenery on this awesome trail, as well as some very technical rock gardens and a couple hike a bike spots. This is in my opinion the most awesome trail in that area. Enjoy your ride back to where you started. You will pass Harman Trail and return to your vehicle the same way. This loop is just short of 15 miles but will feel like 25 or more.
    Again, ride it while you can, we may loose this to biking very soon, it only has to be signed by the Senate. It will be a sad day when we can no longer ride our bikes in this awesome place.

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  • oldnoob

    Too bad most people don't even realize you CAN mountain bike on the trails in the dolly sods north area. It should be listed as an IMBA Epic. Simply hallucinogenic scenery riding up there. The trails throw absolutely everything at you from technical rock gardens, creek crossings, steep climbs, bogs, sand, rock gauntlets, hike-a-bike over rock scramble, and even smooth single track through wide open high elevation plateaus. Its the all inclusive epic ride. A comment from a very experienced rider in our group a few weeks ago sums it up. "this is the best day I have ever had on a bike"

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