A black dog exploring a gravel path in a lush forest, surrounded by green foliage and trees. The scene includes patches of dry grass and fallen leaves along the trail. Engineer Bluff mountain bike trail.
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Level: Beginner
Length: 10 mi (16.1 km)
Surface: Fire Road
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +74/ -152 ft
Total: 20 riders

Mountain Biking Engineer Bluff

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#126 of 1,216 mountain bike trails in Washington
#6,753 in the world

All double track or fire road. Great beginner trail with a lot of ups and downs. I used to ride it on my lunch break.

First added by dehuti on Jul 26, 2008. Last updated Apr 30, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
Roughly a Kilometer south of the I Corps HQ Building. Pretty much along the southern boundary of main post. Can't miss the entrance

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Good (Dec 21, 2017)
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Mountain Bike Trails Near Ft Lewis, Washington

Intermediate | 22 mi
| 20 mi
Beginner | 10 mi
Beginner | 15 mi

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  • Josh L

    double track with a few random single tracks from soldiers running through the woods for Morning Physical Fitness, great for getting in some easy miles

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  • Brotatoechip

    Its ok for what it is i guess. Im a noob and after a couple of rides i was bored with it. Absolutely nothing technical, just very wide fire breaks with rolling hills. If you are just looking for a nice easy ride out looking for the nature scene this is the trail you want. If you are looking for a fast trail with tight corners and any obstacles this is not the trail for you. Also the trail system back there is packed with runners and walkers.

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  • asclepius

    It's currently closed due to "black bears." I think they just wanted to stop us from having fun. Don't waste your time though, looks like it's going to be closed indefinitely.

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  • Roewyn

    This trail system is on post, so you need a military sponsor to get to them. If you're on post, this trail system is worth riding during the week. Definitely get off the gravel and hit up the double/triple track. Fire roads everywhere. Great system to work on fitness and quickness as there is little to no technicality to any of these trails.
    Go through the chain link fence gate near the RR tracks (ppl are parked there a lot), crank up the paved hill and hit the first gravel road on the L. A fire road leads back to an extremely fast loop - take the second trailhead on your R (double track) and pedal pedal pedal. Keep turning L and it'll dump you back on that same fire road with some low hills. Pedal back over the paved road and hit the trailhead directly in front of you for more fast triple track. Make sure you call "rider up" when going down the hills - I've surprised quite a few walkers w/ their dogs.

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  • Rodeogirl73

    This is located on Main post of Military base, inorder to get on base, you need a sponsor, or military id. I used to ride these trails back in the 90's when my husband was stationed on North Fort.

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