A mountain biker in mid-air, jumping off a wooden ramp in a forested area. The scene is framed by tall trees, and the ground is covered with a mix of fallen leaves and dirt. The biker wears a helmet and a dark shirt, showcasing an action shot in a natural environment. Freedom Park (aka:district Park) mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 20 mi (32.2 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +405/ -182 ft
Total: 221 riders

Mountain Biking Freedom Park (aka:district Park)

*****   Add a review
#21 of 300 mountain bike trails in Virginia
#722 in the world

This is a pretty new trail system. Just two years old as of this posting. (11/04) There are 5 miles of trails today, and EVMA hopes to get up to 25 miles in the coming years. The trail is very well maintained, with a few man made ramps and several bridges. There is some tight windy short up and downs at the trail entrance. Be prepared to petal, there are some good long uphills, but the payoff is an awesome downhill with a great jump right in the middle. Get some air, lifes too short to stay on the ground!

First added by Head_First on Nov 26, 2004. Last updated May 11, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
From I-64, take exit 234 to Route 199. From Route 199, take the Longhill Road exit. Turn right onto Longhill Road. Stay on Longhill Road, which takes you into the park entrance. The trailhead is directly behind where the road ends. There is a Y intersection at the trail head. Bear to the left. The trail you see to the right is the end of the loop.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Yorktown, Virginia

Beginner | 8 mi
Easiest | 6 mi
Beginner | 5 mi

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  • tmc

    Less flat than the other local area trails and the TTFs on C trail are fun if you can do them. A few basic features like a tabletop, some logs of different sizes, etc would be nice, maybe even a pump track (the one at YRSP is quite mini).
    Reviewers rave about C trail, but if you pass up the TTFs it may be the easiest riding out here. Try the D & E combo or the A&B combo. Start with C, do some of the TTFs if you can while fresh then add either other pair or all 4 for a full burn. Kudos to EVMA for all the trail work. But seriously- ADD a TABLETOP. All the other jumps are great but the safest place to learn to jump is on a tabletop!

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  • tonetonitony

    Fun easy peasy fast trails with a couple features scattered around the woods to keep it interesting. No big climbs, no long DH but a boatload of switchy short punchy efforts. This is a great multi-user trail but not at all technical.

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  • Blaise Santa Cruz

    Freedom Park is a great place to go mountain biking. It does not have many hills and is for intermediate to advanced riders. The C trail is the best because it has many wooden features from gaps, teeter totters, drops, and skinnies.

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  • [email protected]

    This trail is not for the weak. Excellent switchbacks and lots of up hill climbing to keep it challenging. There are four trails in this area and this is the hardest of them by far.

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  • SeaNinerd

    Best set of trails you could go to in the area.

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  • Daniel_Sheets   ✓ supporter

    This area of Freedom Park has the best of the trail in "C" area.many wooden features with some good singletrack.All very well built.

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  • colorado11native

    I'm still a fairly new rider but this trail was great for developing skills and having a good time! I think it offers a little something for all levels of riders. Plus it has beautiful fall foliage at this time of the year.

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  • CommonwealthMTBR

    The fact that this trail system is free is one of the best kept secrets in Hampton Roads. The trail systems feature something for everyone. While everyone raves about the C Trail, my favorite is Trail A. Yes it lacks many TTF's, but the winding trails make you forget that you are only an hour away from the terrible drivers on the HRBT.

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  • greengianttalon

    Great trails, good inclines and down hills. Usually dry because there's not many flat spots for water to pool. Highly recommended this trail. Bike wash station is available. Trails are clearly marked.

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  • Brett Barber

    Trail C is one of my favorite trails in the area fast and flowing with plenty of features to keep you on your toes!

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  • wvvelo

    I believe Trail C was one of the easiest rides I'm 11 and that was me f the easiest😝

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  • GTrider999

    Lots of options from gravel road to single tracks with decent jumps and seesaws

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  • old but slow

    Rode the C trail (twice ) last week while vacationing in the area. Great fun . Well laid out and well maintained. 2 huge jumps for the advanced or crazy rider. Nice scenery. Was there during the week and had the whole place to myself . Worth a visit for sure.

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  • Lester W. Brown III

    Still fair amount of pine needles down on the trail so handling is top priority. C loop is still some of the best 'features' riding in Virginia.

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  • wvvelo

    Single track with op-out everywhere ( jumps ) . Had a great ride, will ride again for sure!

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  • Josh Eberhart

    What more can I really say about this trail other than it is awesome for a not strictly down hill trail. Has excellent TTF's that really challenged me! I bypassed the diamond stuff except for the teeter and double gravity drop/rollers but still had a blast. Great trail to progress on, they have multiple options for intermediate riders or bypasses for those just looking to ride the trial around the features. I cased it on a gap jump though, but hey cant know your limits unless you test them. Would recommend a full suspension bike, I rock a hardtail, so of course it takes a little more technique as it is less forgiving.

    The only issue I ran into was seeing the trail. Granted I did do it in October, and yes it is fall, and yes fall is just starting so unless your out there daily you cant really control it. But I hope someone plans to clear it at least for weekend rides. Some sections I was off course, and lost traction due to pine needles and leaves. Not complaining, because it adds to natural riding but on a dedicated park, I'd like to avoid it.

    Overall great time and will go again! Great variation in trails, many options to take, and some tight hardwood areas and other open making for some great scenery changes. Plenty of emergency exits for mishaps that are bound to happen. I was lucky to get back up and ride out mine! Also mailbox at the start has MAPS so thats an excellent bonus! Unless you lose it when you go over the bars... Then its a memory game!

    Keep Shreading!

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  • *****

    Ride A trail lay week for the 1st time. I'm fairly new at mountain biking. I really enjoyed the ride and look forward to riding it and the other trails in this park soon.

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  • TheProgressiveRedneck

    There are 5 courses to choose from. They are all intermediate capability with occasional diamond and double diamond obstacles embedded within.
    I'd like for EVMA and get out there during the Fall / Winter and sweep aside all the pine needles to make the trail safer. We do pay our dues for this.
    But definitely a trail to make an out-of-the-way visit to!

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  • *****

    Amazing trail system!!! Rode A and B with two buddies, all of us on brand new Trek 29ers, when we hit the C loop it made us quickly realize we needed full suspension bikes for what we are interested in, C loop has amazing obstacles, heart stopping drops, great jumps, teeter totters etc... Bottom line is that these are the best trails I've been on and highly recommend these to everyone of every skill level, especially free riders who love to be in the air!!!!

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