Two young males, wearing helmets and casual clothing, stand next to their mountain bikes at the entrance of the "Screaming Eagle Bike Trail." The background features lush green trees and a sign indicating the trail name, with additional cautionary information attached nearby. The scene captures an outdoor adventure setting, emphasizing biking and nature. Ft. Campbell Bike Loop mountain bike trail.
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Level: Beginner
Length: 2 mi (3.2 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +211/ -214 ft
Total: 9 riders

Mountain Biking Ft. Campbell Bike Loop

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#60 of 108 mountain bike trails in Kentucky
#8,297 in the world

The trail is a 1.5 mile singletrack loop that was originally designed as an obsticle course. The course has gone unused for a while and now has become the bike loop. There are some small free ride objects there as well as some XC stuff. The loop also has a smaller loop that is about 3/4 of a mile. Great place to go learn how to handle a bike without getting in over your head. The Ft. Campbell MWR people also have been building more trail and obsticles out there.

First added by nexus1200s on May 1, 2009. Last updated Apr 30, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
Go to Ft. Campbell. Go in Gate 1 and take William Lee Rd to Mabry Rd. Take a left on Mabry road. Follow Mabry Rd until you get to Mabry gate, then take a left on to headquarters loop. Follow headquarters loop past old clarksville base until it deadends at the bike loop.

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  • Moutnbiker25

    Don't bother with this trail. It was once a bike trail, it has now become a very smooth and wide running path through the woods. Not even any roots or rocks on the trail to get a little jump off of. Wow. The Army has to take the fun or of everything.

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  • MTBCrash29   ✓ supporter

    This trail was originally built as an obsticle course. Many of those obsticles are in great disrepair now. Since the lack of attention to the course as the main units have moved elsewhere, this course became the bike trail. Good intentions with poor execution. There is no owner agency therefore no trail maintenance. There are several groups that attempt to clean up, but tbe fast growth is just to unmanagable for sporatic maintenance. Recently some groups and individuals have started to work on new obsticles, turns and bridges so there is some activity. This is a simple trail, no major trail climbs or decents. A beginner trail for.sure. easy night ride to get that experience under your belt before attempting a larger trail. You will encounter runners and new mountain bikers on the trail so keep an eye out for others. One way will avoid any of the technical obsticles the other will allow you to encounter all three. Mainly tabletop jumps. Good place to take a brand new bike to break it in. Near the water so snakes are abundant. Prone to soggy flood areas after a rain as well.

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  • andygoodman99

    This trail is awful because it is not maintained at all. It seems like MWR just forgot about it. Just needs a little work and it could be nice. It gets a 3 because it could be good, if it was just taken care of.

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  • nexus1200s

    Trail was built with beginners in mind. There are some stunts that are fun and there are also some very short technical sections that were fun. The trail is very short though and unless you live in the area, it is not worth the drive. If you are looking for serious singletrack, this isnt it. This place is more to play around on small objects and learn how to ride a bike.

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