This is a steep, fast, rugged downhill trail with some freeride features that are also "ride-around-able." At the end of Fuzzy Bunny, look for Power Line Jumps off the Old Pass Road which then feeds into Parallel trail. Finally, take Old Pass Road down to the Stagecoach Bar where you parked.
Shuttle laps with gap jumps, berms, tabletops, and other various gnar. Fuzzy has 3 large "road gap" hits, as well as numerous smaller ones. Continue from the end of fuzzy bunny down the old highway and a log ride marks the beginning of power lines. Power lines has lots of high speed tabletops. When in doubt... Crank!
Thank |However, I usually skip power lines and traverse to the beginning of "candy land" (underneath jimmys mom)
Very fast trail with steep pitches, freeride features such as gap jumps and drops, but nothing that can't be circumvented. This is an advanced trail. Fuzzy Bunny is the fastest and most technical. Power Line Jumps and Parallel are not as steep nor technical. Very fun trail and super easy to shuttle given you're just off the highway for access.
Thank |