A person riding a mountain bike down a steep, rocky terrain surrounded by shrubs and vegetation. The path is rough and unpaved, with a clear view of winding trails in the background. The scene conveys a sense of adventure and outdoor activity. Gabrielino Trail mountain bike trail.
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Level: Advanced
Length: 15 mi (24.1 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Other
Elevation: +1,713/ -1,689 ft
Total: 63 riders

Mountain Biking Gabrielino Trail

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#29 of 1,004 mountain bike trails in California
#581 in the world

This ride is mostly technical singletrack with some fireroad and many stream crossings towards the end. Lots of challenges and obstacles. Lots of rocks and loose roots along with exposed singltrack.

First added by Mshdmonky on Feb 6, 2005. Last updated Apr 30, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
Use a shuttle. Then the trail is only downhill. For the first car: From I-210 take the WinsdorArroyo exit near the city of La Canada and go north to the large parking area on left side about 1/2 mile up. leave one car here. In second car get back on 210 west in about 3 mi. exit Angeles Crest Highway 2, make left and proceed up (staying right with junction to Angeles Forest Highway at 11 mi.) proceed another 5mi to Red Box ranger station where you make right and another immediate right into the parking area.
Featured in
A cyclist riding a blue mountain bike along a grassy, sloped terrain under a partly cloudy sky. In the background, rolling hills and distant homes are visible, along with sparse trees and dry grass.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Los Angeles, California

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  • SteveJames

    I have taken the shuttle and done this trail a few times. It almost always ends up with me hurting myself. The ground is loose, and the drops are pretty mean. Many people fly through this trail. I tried and fell down a 30ft slope on the Sunset trail section towards the bottom. It takes a lot of concentration, but if you are up for the challenge then this is one of the best rides in SoCal. Its def one for the big boys and girls! I like to connect with El Prieto at the bottom as a nice bit of icing on the cake, that is when I have not broken my bike getting there. Watch out for all the poison oaks as well. Oh... and bring some knee and elbow pads with you!

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    Today, 1/17/09 was my first ever downhill ride. This trail was awsome. I cant wait to go back. Took 6am shuttle to the top for $10.00. Money well spent. I road my Jamis Dakar down it and it is set up for XC and I had no serious problems.

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  • Polak

    It starts off steep with a lot of rocks sticking up out of the ground. Then, you get to a camp ground where you have to watch out for people that are hiking about. At some point right after the camp site, you have to pick up your bike and hop over some rocks and rivers that are a bit too big to ride over. Then you reach a fork in the road, where you take a right and go up a little hill. At the peak of the hill, there is another fork in the road, where you take a left to hike and a right to Mt. Bike.
    At this point, it gets really nice! A bunch of cliff side downhill (drops ranging from 5-20 ft up). Not may rocks in the way at this point, and quite a bit of shade every 40 yards or so.
    Then you hit (what I think to be) a dried up river. Nothing but rocks for 150-200 yards.
    You hit a bit of up hill, another OLD campsite, downhill it from there. There's a few little drop things, followed by crossing a few bridge type structures, and then... You're at JPL! :D

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  • Mshdmonky

    I highly recomend that you use the shuttle option on this trail. It allows you to complete the trail more than once in a day, without tireing

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