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Level: Beginner
Length: 6 mi (9.7 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +374/ -377 ft
Total: 7 riders

Mountain Biking Gnat Creek trail

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#165 of 308 mountain bike trails in Oregon
#7,981 in the world

A small network of forest trails, mostly following Gnat Creek.

There are no facilities available at the trailhead.

This is one of the few mountain bike-approved trails in the area.

First added by justin70 on Jul 24, 2014. Last updated Apr 28, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
The Gnat Creek fish hatchery car park Is the trailhead. It is located 20 miles West of Astoria on us hwy 30.
System trails (3)
Intermediate difficulty100ft falls trail***3 mi
Beginner difficultyLower trails**2 mi
 difficultyUpper trails**2 mi

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  • ***

    All things considered, especially that there aren't really many trails around, I think this is a good trail. The lower part from the campground trailhead to the hatchery has a lot of roots and some spots you have to get off to get up the stairs/log dropoff, but nothing a true mountain biker can't handle. It's technical and if you get a good line there's spots to build some speed. Once you get to the opening after the highway, ride straight through to the hatchery (looks like a swimming pool from a distance) and at the end up the pools there's an archway where the trail starts again. Now this is where it gets a little more exciting. Steeper terrain and a lot less roots, it's a good climb getting up but well worth the descent. There's a lot of spots to catch some air and even some flowy areas you can pump to keep speed. Also, I didn't run into a single person on the trail but a group was leaving as I pulled up. Worth a trip if nearby but obviously if Mt. Hood is equidistant, well you could figure that one out.

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  • Lancer350

    Was disappointed, trail was mostly uphill and mainly for hikers.

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  • justin70

    The 100ft falls trail save this area from being a total waste of time - but dont go to too much effort to come here,

    Disappointing when this is one of the few approved MTB areas in the vicinity.

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  • justin70
    Reviewing 100ft falls trail:

    Quite different to the other trails in this area.
    An out and back trail that includes some elevation gain, and occasional technical challenges such as roots, rocks, creek crossings etc.
    Very quiet trail, too.

    This trail makes the area almost worth-while, but is not enough to justify the trip to get there.

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  • justin70
    Reviewing Upper trails:

    Small area of trails.
    Gravel based single track, with few technical challenges.
    Perhaps ok for families.
    Slightly more bike-friendly than the lower area.

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  • justin70
    Reviewing Lower trails:

    Very small area of trails.
    Gravel based single track, with no technical challenges.
    Perhaps ok for families, but better for hiking than for bikes.

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