A winding dirt path through a dense forest, lined with tall pine trees and patches of green vegetation. Sunlight filters through the tree canopy, casting dappled light on the ground, which is scattered with rocks and fallen leaves. Granite Basin Loops mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 11 mi (17.7 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +451/ -451 ft
Total: 93 riders

Mountain Biking Granite Basin Loops

*****   Add a review
#10 of 418 mountain bike trails in Arizona
#246 in the world

Multiple loops in this area to ride, make it as long or short as you want. Deffinately do loops counter-clockwise though or you will miss out on the best part of the ride. Big loop is still only about 10 miles, trail#351, cross parking lot, up trail #346 through gate, turn left on #347 through second gate, bomb downhill, intersection at 348 turn left if you are tired already, if not go straight to Mint Wash Trail #345 turn left. Follow trail along wash back to go.

First added by TMWJR777 on Apr 7, 2009. Last updated Apr 28, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
Take Iron Springs Rd. out of Prescott heading west, just as you are leaving town you will see a sign on your right for Granite Basin Rec. Area. Turn Right, take road to the lake, pay $5 and park. Grab a map if there is any left. Or use Cosmic Ray's book.
System trails (1)
Intermediate difficultyWillow Trail (Trail 347)*****6 mi
Featured in
A mountain biker navigates a rocky trail along the edge of a canyon, surrounded by lush greenery and blue skies with scattered clouds. The terrain features a dramatic drop-off on one side, highlighting the thrill of outdoor biking in a natural setting.

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Granite Basin 9/19/2010
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Mountain Bike Trails Near Prescott, Arizona

Easiest | 6 mi
| 5 mi
| 2 mi
| 9 mi

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  • Jenny Corso

    Super fun! Beautiful foliage, some climbing to get to the descent, but once the downhill begins, there's nothing but flow. Love this trail!

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  • ireiman

    A great system of trails near granite mountain with loads of fun riding for everyone.

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  • Dan Brademeyer

    I loved this trail, however I did not find the trail 348 off of trail 347, so I ended up taking 347 as far as it goes so this is more a review of trail 347. With that being said, trail 347 was one of the best trails I have ever ridden! It was such a fast, flowy ride with lots of little jumps to hit and fun cornering. I would definitely recommend this trail to those who want to have a really fun time biking. The climbing back up the trail was a little exhausting though, but well worth it!

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  • AaronT

    Pound for pound this is the most fun in Prescott. If you like catching air then this is your trail. Park in the equestrian parking section (Cayusa) and take/walk #346 up to and through the gate, turn left to the 2nd gate and on to #347 and rip it. Jump, rip, jump, repeat. Take it all the way to the #309 marker (about 3.5-4 miles). Turn around and ride the roller coaster back! Do it until your arms fall off. When you get back to the #348, cruise that on in to the #351 (left) and you'll be at your car with a grin from ear to ear.

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  • John Fisch

    Superb trail system! Mostly fast and flowy intermediate-heaven with a couple techy routes available and wicked good scenery around every corner.

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  • guseden

    Just went out here for my first time and I agree with all of the other descriptions posted. My favorite part of these trails is that I went out on a Saturday afternoon and didn't see a single biker while I was making my loop so I had plenty of room to let it rip through the downhill sections. I would also like to note that I ride a hardtail and still had a great time on these trails, so for those of us who haven't upgraded to full suspensions this is a great trail system.

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  • Mitchez

    Really fun trails, counter clockwise is the way to go from 351 on the main road, starts a nice uphill, not too long really, followed by a SUPER fun downhill (349/347) with lots of jumps and rocky hazards! I wouldn't recommend the mint wash trail (part from 347 to 352) if you don't like riding in 6inches of silty sandy creek bed, but if you do then there are some fun tech climbs, But instead I'd opt for the mint wash trail that goes up and around the western most hill (347/345/308) GREAT tech climbs without the sand >,< all in all a really fun trail. $5 to park, but Wednesdays are free!

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  • TMWJR777

    Great mix of a little of everything, some tech climbs on the way back to the lake, waterbar jumps on the downhill, nice views. Watch for horses and hikers. Dirt here becomes super loose when it's been dry for a while.

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