A forested path with tall pine trees and autumn foliage, featuring a ground covered in fallen leaves and scattered twigs. The scene is serene and slightly overcast, with hints of yellow and orange leaves among the green. Green Ridge State Forest - Mtn. Bike Trail mountain bike trail.
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Level: Advanced
Length: 12 mi (19.3 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: -
Total: 23 riders

Mountain Biking Green Ridge State Forest - Mtn. Bike Trail

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#46 of 99 mountain bike trails in Maryland
#3,659 in the world

Trail is 12 miles of singletrack and forest roads. The route is marked by white blazes as well as brown arrows at some intersections. If you follow the arrows and take the recommended route, the first 7 miles are mostly uphill, followed by some fast descents for the last 5 miles. There is one extended section of bone jarring descending and one extended section of extremely smooth descent. Trail is appropriate for beginners and intermediate riders. Trail is not very technical and not too steep. Very good workout and great scenery. Campsites are available for a small fee from the park headquarters. There are no user fees for the trail. Trail is fairly isolated and I saw no other riders (on a Saturday). However, the trail crisscrosses with many fire roads and offers several "bail outs" along the way if you break down or get tired. I would recommend getting a map but it is not necessary. The only downside was the existence of several un-rideable obstacles directly on the trail. All in all, a great trail and well worth the trip.

First added by joe411k on Sep 17, 2007. Last updated May 11, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
West on I-70 past Hagerstown to I-68 west. Take exit 64 and follow the signs to forest headquarters. Trail is approximately 2 - 2.5 hours from Baltimore, MD.

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Overgrown (Apr 21, 2018)
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Intermediate | 5 mi

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  • 16timesaweek

    as of 4/21/18: Many downed trees and branches. Some areas are not well marked and you'll find yourself wandering through people's yards to find the trail.

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  • jditt410

    A lot of uphill and not enough payoff in fun downs... great workout though. Got home in tube go in down first big downhill at like mile 7 or 8 after overlook( which was real nice). Basically a stream bed didn't find anything in tire so I dunno cause. Bone jarring decent tho I was flying might wanna take it a lol easy on that one. Pretty easy from that point on with a couple fun downhill to follow... very dry and no logs in trail I couldn't easily get over... gnats and flies were driving me crazy would suggest some bugspray.

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  • boltthrower

    Update 3-6-17.... about 15 or so trees down blocking the trails. Most u can walk around or jump over. Not too many requiring to carry the bike over.

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  • boltthrower

    Was a little overgrown with plantlife but still a nice ride throught the mountains with a beautiful view halfway through the ride. Very tame ride with little to no rocks or obstacles. Easily beginner skill type stuff here. What makes it not ideal for beginners though is the fact its over 12 miles long and with the moss and soft ground it feels like riding through 12 miles of sand or mud. also the purple markings for the trail can be a pain to find or see. If you like seclusion and getting a good cardio workout this is the place. Was able to finish it in a smidge over 2 hours.

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  • Argybargy

    Only one option really but the 12 mile loop is a good work out. It took about 3 hours, so a good sweat by the end. Not so well maintained due to heavy leaf cover and fallen trees. Most of the down hill sections are double track (that is taking the anticlockwise direction) and some of that was quite rough. Loads of potential here for a great mountain bike park!

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  • Tommylght

    Lot of uphill sections in the first half of the trail, but none that are overly steep inclines. Only had a chance to finish close to half of the trail due to nightfall. Will finish tomorrow. Great scenery, abundant wildlife and a fairly smooth trail overall. Would recommend a map before you go. :)

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  • Susanita

    I give this trail one star. The only thing I liked about it was that it was good workout. Maybe I'm spoiled by some of the better designed trails close to DC. There are some steep trail sections that go straight up the mountain and have already developed deep gulleys from rain runoff. Many of the downhill sections run down old fireroads and are deeply rutted. When we got to the last section the trail finally started to resemble what I think of as sweet singletrack. It was bench cut into the mountain ... if only the whole trail had been cut like that. I go the impression that the trail was built by people that don't mountain bike much and don't know how to build an interesting trail. There are great possibilities here. If only someone with IMBA trail building experience would take interest in the park.* Review edited 11/21/2010

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  • nattylocks420

    The trail starts with some good climbing for more then half the trail. a very long downhill very fast that ends with a couple cool manmade wooden bridges and a nice stream crossing. there are a few technical steep desents but not very technical ride. many fallen trees down on trail, many are unrideable. otherwise a very nice long ride that is challenging and fun.

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  • William_Fox

    Great workout! Only downside of trail is it is in need of maintenance, several un-rideable obstacles in the way of some otherwise perfect downhill runs. * Review edited 9/18/2007

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