A mountain biker performing a jump on a dirt trail surrounded by dense green foliage and trees. The biker is wearing a helmet and protective gear, capturing a moment of action in an outdoor adventure setting. Greenslick mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 1.7 mi (2.7 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Out & Back
Elevation: +0/ -237 ft
Total: 148 riders

Mountain Biking Greenslick

*****   Add a review
#18 of 549 mountain bike trails in North Carolina
#358 in the world

Greenslick is a quick, intense downhill thrill ride. Lots of good humps to get some air off of, and quite a few natural berms to ensure that you can keep flying down the trail. Fairly rocky, with tacky orange clay and a few creek crossings. One of the most advanced trails at Bent Creek. A great path to take from GoKite5's post on Bent Creek: "up wolf branch, up ingles field, up north boundary, down green's lick, up sidehill, up little hickory top, down ingles field, down wolf branch. About 11 miles."

First added by afullsodacan on Jan 6, 2012. Last updated Aug 30, 2024. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: yes
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
Hwy.191 south of Asheville, near the Blue Ridge Parkway entrance. You can go thru the Arboretum and hang left, or take Bent Creek Ranch Rd. Don't worry , you'll see all the other Mtn. Bikers about 1/4 mile from Lake Powhatan....
Featured in
A mountain biker performing a jump on a dirt trail surrounded by lush green trees and foliage. The trail features rocky areas and is designed for off-road cycling.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Asheville, North Carolina

| 0.8 mi
Beginner | 33 mi
| 0.6 mi
Beginner | 3 mi

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  • Hap Proctor   ✓ supporter

    A hard charging 1.5+ miles descent filled with rocks, berms and creek crossings that will make you forget all the climbing required to reach it.

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  • Walterbanner

    I love Greens Lick! I think the trail is extremely fast, semi technical, great burms, you have option to single track climb it or fire road up. Depends on the day.

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  • rmap01   ✓ supporter

    What a fun downhill! If you're at Bent Creek this is a must. The climb is no cakewalk but it is definitely worth it if you like flying downhill over rocky sections and with opportunities to get plenty of air. If you take it at speed (hard not to) be prepared for a thrilling, yet bone rattling experience..

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  • drewm2018

    Fantastic downhill run. Rocky sections with moderate sized jumps and high berms. I prefer to get to the top climbing Ingles field Gap for a more gradual ascent.

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  • Brettsummer

    Lots of rocks on a steep downhill. Has some large berms and some of what I'd call pretty large jumps

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  • jmumford

    Awesome little down hill. If your willing to climb. Meaning push a bike up a mountain for an hour. Ride it. That seems to be the Western NC style. Great ride. Not super steep nor tech. There were a few jumps I was scared to hit. But fun. I would do it again. Lower Sidehill Rocks when you get to the bottom. A little climbing. But great trail. Super fun both of them!

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  • N8XC

    This trail is a must ride for anybody wanting to push themselves and who are looking for some serious adrenaline! The climb to the very top is brutal but the downhill makes it all worth it. There are plenty of jumps and berms to be had. However, be mindful of all the rocks. They'll rattle your hands numb.

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  • Jetnjeff29r

    Fast DH, with some rough and chances to catch air, if you were so inclined.

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  • Vlad Stepanov

    Lot's of downhill. A palm killer too. Many rocks and jumps, but mostly rocks. The more you do it the more it grows on you. I wasn't fond of it in the beginning. Now, it's my favorite trail in Bent Creek.

    If you're into tons of rocks and jumps, then this is for you.

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  • man.cave

    Great trail. I camped at bent creek and rode it 4 times over the weekend. The reviews are pretty true but if u don't intend to ride fast I wouldn't . I Ave 22 mph not counting a few flats. I love this section of trail at bent creek

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  • endobiker

    Not a highly technical run but if you ride fast it's *insane*. After 8 minutes of white knuckle speed, big jumps, and huge banked corners with a touch of hang time I had to peel my exhausted hands from the grips and bow down to one hell of a run.

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  • climb_head

    Fun downhill mostly because of high berms and rolling launches. A bit wet in spots but completely rideable. Came across two hunters walking the trail. This trail is not very technical at least by Colorado/Utah standards but you can make it intense by riding the berms (optional) and launching the rollovers and of course just by getting off the brakes!

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  • [email protected]

    Really fun workout. Some technical sections, but not too difficult.

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  • Greg Heil   ✓ supporter

    Killer downhill! This will definitely give you a forearm pump. So worth the climb to get to the top!

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  • afullsodacan

    This trail is incredible! A definite 5 stars. Through all the climbing to get to this trail, I was really beginning to think, "is Green's Lick really going to be worth it?" and I can assuredly say YES. The whole time I was riding I had to really watch my speed and the brakes to make sure that I didn't get in too far over my head. There were a lot of jumps that I was able to get a little bit of air off of. The berms on the sides of the hills also added some adrenaline boost. In my opinion the difficulty of this trail is that it is not really technical (in that respect, besides some loose rock, it was just pretty flowy), but advanced in that it is quite steep, you have to watch your speed and know your limitations, and also have good brakes. Overall, the only negative thing about this trail is that it feels short because you fly down it. I wish it had been about 5 times longer. If I go back, I think I will ride this at least a couple of times.

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