A narrow wooden pathway made of logs, situated through a dense forest area. The path winds between trees and lush greenery, leading to an unclear destination. A dirt path runs alongside the wooden structure, blending into the natural surroundings. Greenwood mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 15 mi (24.1 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +293/ -235 ft
Total: 34 riders

Mountain Biking Greenwood

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#69 of 311 mountain bike trails in Ontario
#3,361 in the world

North Section and South Section. North section has many bridges, fast single
track as well as twisty turny routes. Very scenic forest with some good hills,
some fast track.

First added by [email protected] on Nov 24, 2011. Last updated May 10, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
407 to Brock Rd., south to Whites Rd., east to Church St. south 100meters to
parking lot on left side

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Greenwood - Ajax, Ontario
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Mountain Bike Trails Near Pickering, Ontario

Beginner | 5 mi
Beginner | 10 mi

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  • Castlfield

    the pictures in this trail description are pretty old. Most of the wood structures have been removed or are decaying to the point of being dangerous. If you're heading here for the wood structures forget it. What greenwood does have is some really good xc trails in the north section (rodar side). None of the trails are marked so it's very easy to miss them. You can get about 10km of decent single track in the north and 2-3 in the south. The riding in the south is not great. It's used more by dog walkers and the single track tends to be a bit grown over. If looking for a longer ride though it's nice to connect north and south trails.

    greenwood is not technical at all. But it does provide an excellent workout. There are many short steep climbs that will get your heart rate going. I would recommend this is an afterwork or low on time trail. Perfect for people who live in Pickering and Ajax and want to get in a quick 1-2 hour session.

    This land has TONS of potential.

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  • Itsmejesse

    I take back all that I said! This trail is awesome! Since the reno 90% of the trails are different and I got turned around. I gave it another go and such a gnar trail, a little bit of everything from sand patches, the tight switch back, roots, hard pact and mud!

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  • Itsmejesse

    I heard it used to be a gnarly trail when the wooden structures were up, how ever before the renovation there was a sick switchback and now there is nothing but elevation changes and single and double track runs with absolutely no signage (take a picture of the map at trail head)

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  • Nomadd1981

    Rode the south section of the trail.
    Found it to be very short.
    As a side note the sign at the Greenwood Parking lot that says that cycling is prohibited in the Conservation Area.

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  • Alex Elliott

    I found the same issue as well. Started at the parking lot on Church St. and looked around for a few hours, couldnt find anything. Drove over the the parking lot at the end of Greenwood road, did the same and couldnt find any birms, bridges etc

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  • **

    Most of the trail has been blocked off the conservation people by cutting down trees and laying them across the track. Mostly all of the trails have signs up stating "trail closed". There was one main single track that I found that was fairly decent with nice flow. Although it was covered by pine cones and leaves from last years fall season. All of the obstacles and bridges have been torn down leaving an undesirable ride. There may be some other trails that I didn't find that may be decent but overall wasn't a great ride.

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  • dbone66

    This may have been a good trail at one time but the wood structures are in need of some love. They're breaking down. Outside of the wood section the trail is short and boring. There were a lot of dog walkers and I agree it's a great place to walk a dog.

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  • dzpd23

    Nice place to go for a quick ride. I've done this system twice while traveling for work. I like the trail down by the river. Lots of bridge features.

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  • sprodj

    This is a fantastic trail, and the wood features that have been built are very sturdy. I ended up doing the South Loop which has an incredible two story circular wood feature that was a blast to ride. There's a lot of 5-7 foot high skinny bridges, and most of the fallen logs have had bridges built over them.

    This is truly one of the best trails I've ridden in Ontario. The only downside is that there's signs up saying that they're going to remove the "unauthorized constructions". Hopefully that never happens.

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  • jeff44

    Solid ride good singletrack with a mix of obstacles we liked the north side better start at 5th concession just east of Brock parking lot go north into park and find the main singletrack easy to find follow till u come to the bottem of a steep hill with a thirty foot ladder walk up this hill and continue until u reach the pickering musuem continue across their parking lot towards a main road and find a hidden trail head that is the start of some real fast flowy singletrack just keep going as it loops back to the lot. Make sure to know this when going or u will waste your time as this is a tricky place to navigate. When u exit the trail back onto 5th concession look directly across the road a little west for the south entrance where the riding is still good with a lot of crazy older man made skinnys and obstacles watch out for tons of dogs but if u explore this side there is a great ridge ride about 300 feet up and multiple dirt jumps in a old quarry big area to ride and explore.

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  • doggins

    Decent if u explore hard enough to fing features. I prefer the south where there are features and more flow

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