A scorched landscape displaying blackened trees and bare rocky ground, indicating the aftermath of a wildfire. The sky is partially cloudy, and the scene reflects a stark environmental change with minimal vegetation and jagged terrain. Guernsey State Park mountain bike trail.
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Level: Advanced
Length: 5 mi (8 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Other
Elevation: +408/ -275 ft
Total: 11 riders

Mountain Biking Guernsey State Park

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#125 of 256 mountain bike trails in Wyoming
#8,215 in the world

The trail starts at the overlook on the bluff high above Glendo Reservoir. There is a highly technical loop leading from the parking lot and a smoother loop across the North side of Brimmer Point Drive with a possible out-and-back add on. Be sure to pick up a map when you enter the park.

First added by John Fisch on Aug 21, 2012. Last updated May 7, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: yes
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
From I-25 North of Wheatland, take Exit 92 and travel East for 15 miles and look for the signs to the park on the North side of the road just before the town of Guernesy. There is a $6 fee to enter the park. Once in the partk take the right fork, go to the right turn indacated for Brimmer Point and follow the dirt road to the parking lot at its end. The ST is ust of the SW corner of the parking lot.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Guernsey, Wyoming

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  • harrisonjg

    I would give another star, or maybe even two, but the trails need a lot more attention first. Very overgrown in a lot of places. The Peak View trail was pretty much like riding off trail. Also, a lot of dead trees down on trail still from the wind. I cleared a few. Trails are dry, but need some work before I can recommend...

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  • John Fisch

    It was a nice surprise to find such rugged terrain so far out on the prairie. The loop from the parking lot has lots of rock drops, step ups and very tight switchbacks with big exposure, some of which will cause most to dismount. Some of the techy bits are big fun and a plush ride can be a big plus. The area went through a pretty bad burn and much of the landscape is black. In some places, the dead ponderosas and charred rock formations provide a truly otherworldly feel. The Northern trails are much smoother and have more of a cross country feel. If you follow a trail all the way down to the reservoir, you'll have a good climb back up. There's also plenty of doubletrack and dirt road to be had in the area. Most of the use in this park is boaters, so if you're not on one of the roads to a dock ro marina, you're gonna' have the place to yourself most of the time.

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