A view from the handlebars of a mountain bike, overlooking a narrow dirt path that winds through a lush green forest filled with trees and undergrowth. Sunlight filters through the leaves, creating a dappled light effect on the trail. Gyro mountain bike trail.
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Level: Beginner
Length: 2 mi (3.2 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: -
Total: 10 riders

Mountain Biking Gyro

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#32 of 114 mountain bike trails in New Hampshire
#3,931 in the world

Alright, so the first trail on the right leads to this small dirt bowl with some smaller jumps (big enough for me) where you can have some fun. In the middle of the bowl, if you take a left, you'll hit some of the fastest single track in the Gyro, which has wider turns, is mostly flat, and with some nice dips here and there. Also a long 2 x 4 that clears a gap you can skip if you're not comfortable with it. Follow the track and it will come out close to the river (this is also where one of the other trails connects, so be on the lookout for other bikers). Take the track along the lake and continue on (you'll see some smaller dirt jumps), ride over the see-saw, and you'll be out of the system and amidst some small houses. You're back out on the road. Take a right, and you can go back to the gas station.

The second trailhead on the right begins the twistier single track where you'll have to watch your handlebars and weasel through some tighter spots. This track is the longest, goes all over the place, comes out close to the river, but then turns back into the woods. The trail will pass through a clearing and end up where that first trail comes out. You can either continue on toward the river and finish out on the road, or you can turn on the faster single track and end your trip with the dirt bowl and come back out on the dirt service road. The trail on the left is not very twisty, it's quite short (fun too), and will pass by an impressive BMX/DJ section, before coming out in the parking lot of the first gas station you had earlier passed. Try to turn it all into a big loop!

Optional: If you want, keep taking that dirt service road back, go over an old bridge with holes in it, and into a field. Best in the springtime when the grass is lower, but still very Little House on the Prairie any time of year. If you see ATV/bike tracks, follow them and watch out for animal dwellings. This leads (hopefully) to gravel road that you climb to a paved road. Take a left, go down the road, take another left onto the next road (175), and ride back into Plymouth.

First added by _koneco on Apr 19, 2010. Last updated Apr 28, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
This one's super easy. On I-93, North or South, take exit 25 and turn right. You'll pass by two gas stations on your left. Across from the second gas station is the road that leads to Plymouth State's gym parking lot, in which there is a guest section (no overnight parking). Get on your bike, get back to the main road, and cross over to the gas station. Take a left, see the service road between the two gas stations, and get on it. Keep on going and you'll see a trail on the right ... then a trail on the left, then another trail on the right.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Plymouth, New Hampshire

Advanced | 10 mi

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  • Alex L.

    Super fun. I am a beginner biker and had a blast! Trails are pretty easy to meander as long as you keep in mind where the parking lot is. Meadow was beautiful, and good loop too. Definitely coming back here.

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  • riverboy6

    Mostly flat, single track. Most of it is nice and tight, with good flow, and some really cool features. Some of it is right on the Pemi river, so there's even a spot to get wet!

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  • oldiemouldie

    VERY twisty and mostly flat, with a few up-and-overs, one log roll, and one skinny ramp. The challenge lies in seing how fast you can rail the turns! However, I'd reccommend starting at the signed ,small parking lot-take the last left before the bridge into Plymouth, left again, lot is at the end on the right. Follow the trail to the right of the dirt road (dirt jump area here, too) to the central area near the power lines-the first loop starts on the left just before the lines, and returns to the same area. Then go under the lines and bear right along the river for the next loop, which brings you back to the same spot, then over (or around)the ramp for the next section. When you end at the dirt road, if you turn right you come out at a nice beach on the river, or turn left and watch for the last section's entry on the right, which will end on the paved road near the gas station. Total distance is about 5 1/2 miles, not two. The ride through my field is just flat and not worth your time unless you're just trying to add distance-I'd ride it all backwards if that's the case. I couldn't ride this all the time, it'd drive me nuts, but it is a lot of fun every once in a while, and great at the beginning of the season when I don't want to climb!

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