A mountain bike rests on a dirt path surrounded by tall grasses and shrubs, overlooking a valley with mountains in the distance under a partly cloudy sky. Hard Guy mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 12 mi (19.3 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Other
Elevation: +467/ -807 ft
Total: 37 riders

Mountain Biking Hard Guy

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#13 of 319 mountain bike trails in Idaho
#1,271 in the world

Hard guy is locally known because it's a long and sustained climb. Most, if not all of Hard Guy follows old ranching roads. Technically it's a single track but most of the way you can see the old road bed. There really isn't anything technical about this trail, its just a long sustained climb. It has a couple of steep sections that can be really loose and sandy. There is a section or two with a few small rocks, nothing much. Be aware that there is no shade on this trail except at the very bottom and not again until the very top. You will be on a ridge and exposed most of the time. Sun and wind will not be your friends on this trail, however the views are incredible once you get up a little ways. Hard Guy is an uphill climb. The downhill direction is called Fast Guy.

First added by tfgb on Jul 29, 2007. Last updated Apr 28, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: yes
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
Hard Guy is accessed from Corals trail just east of Bogus Basin Rd. The easiest directions are... up Bogus Basin Rd to the Corals trailhead (there are 2 and the second one has more parking and a bathroom). Ride up Corals a mile or so and watch to the left. There is a ranch gate with a trail gate next to it. This is the entrance to Hard Guy. There is a sign marking it. You will drop into a little valley before starting the climb.
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Mountain Bike Trails Near Boise, Idaho

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  • gpasquin

    Shortest route to get up to the trees above Boise with steady elevation gains and some steeper sections making it difficult but not impossible to peddle the whole way. Lots of open exposure, nice vistas and views but wouldn't want to do it on a hot day.

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  • Tour Guide

    Hard Guy is a climb. The downhill direction is Fast Guy. If you shuttle just to do this down hill I think you are cheating yourself. There are so many better downhill routes. Hard Guy will make you work for it. This is a long and seemingly never ending grind up an old farm/ranch road. Even though it's technically 2 track it has been many years since it was used as one. There isn't really anything about Hard Guy that would make it a technical ride. Just a big long climb. If you stop for breaks be sure and turn around and enjoy the view. There are some amazing views of the Boise valley from up there. Try and avoid the heat of the day as there really isn't any shade until you are in the last mile or so from the top. Ride safe and have fun!

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  • markloessi

    Any way you slice it you either have to find a way to drop into this trail from above by driving (shuttle) or you gotta climb. I rode 8th street from town to the trail head and then down Hard Guy (this way a local told me the trail is called Fast Guy, I just moved here) then back to town via Bogus Basin. The ride up 8th is a long climb ~11.5 miles from down town to trail head and although a good long climb it's not deadly. Up 8th is probably an easier climb then Hard Guy itself although a bit longer I think. It's a good ride, nice and long with good views of the Boise Valley, it's pretty exposed to sun most of the way so take plenty of water and in heat of summer go early. The ride itself is not particularly difficult, e.g. technical, the difficulty in this ride is the climbing.

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  • dauw

    This trail is a grinder on the way up, but a ripper on the way down. Can be a scorcher in the summer. Wide open with water bars and some sand. Let'er rip and watch your brakes melt down. Another great Boise shuttle.

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