A modern wooden cabin with large windows and a ramp leading to an elevated deck, surrounded by greenery and hills. A picnic table is visible in the foreground, set on a grassy area. The sky is overcast, indicating a cloudy day. Heaphy Track mountain bike trail.
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Level: Advanced
Length: 50 mi (80.5 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: One-way
Elevation: +2,866/ -1,521 ft
Total: 3 riders

Mountain Biking Heaphy Track

*****   Add a review
#11 of 195 mountain bike trails in South Island
#2,466 in the world

The Heaphy Track is an 80km (50 mile) challenging multi-day, remote back-country adventure ride. It is ridden for its awesome scenery, it wilderness charisma, its unique native forest, its coastal vistas, wildlife and because it's a great challenge needing advanced riding skills and perseverance.

It's a very popular hiking track, considered one of New Zealand's best. There are several back-country huts along the way but not a café or cell phone tower for many miles! Most of the huts have cookers and pots so you can travel light but...

The track is only open to bikers from 1 May to 30 September, winter, when this part of the planet can be cold and wet. Check the weather forecast before even thinking of starting this adventure!

In good conditions this track is exceptional. Here is the gush from http://heaphytrack.com/mountain_biking.html
"The Heaphy Track is the only multi-day ride through a National Park in New Zealand. The 80-kilometre course through the Kahurangi National Park traverses dense beech forests, expansive tussock plains and boulder outcrops of the Gouland Downs, takes in the limestone cliffs along the Heaphy River and through the nikau palm groves and white sandy beaches along the West Coast to Karamea."

That site is excellent and has a blow by blow description of the track with excellent maps and everything you will need to know to plan and organise your adventure. Be sure to check it out.

The Department of Conservation has also has an excellent page on the track here:

The track also has its own Facebook feed: https://www.facebook.com/HeaphyTrack

And of course google will find you oodles more information and pictures.

Huts have to be booked in advance and you can do it here: [email protected] or at information centres.

This is a trail you don't want to rush - it's one of those once in a lifetime adventures that you want to savour.

First added by Jim Cummings on May 26, 2015. Last updated Sep 16, 2024. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: yes
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: yes
  • Fat bike grooming: yes
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
East end: From Takaka head for Collingwood but one kilometre before it, turn left towards Bainham. Continue past Bainham for 33km. This road is impassible after heavy rain. West end: The trailhead is 16km north of Karamea.
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Mountain Bike Trails Near Karamea, South Island

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  • Desperado

    On this planet it doesn't get much better than the Heaphy Track. It's got what it takes - adventure, amazing scenery, wilderness, magical dinosaur forest, coastal cool, and a feeling of intense remote wilderness. It's not for the faint hearted. In rain and wind it's misery. In sun and calm it's beyond sublime.

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