A wooden bridge curved over a small creek, surrounded by a forest of bare trees and patches of green grass. Fallen leaves cover the ground, indicating late autumn. The scene is peaceful and natural, showcasing a tranquil moment in a wooded area. Heritage Park mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 8 mi (12.9 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +282/ -284 ft
Total: 75 riders

Mountain Biking Heritage Park

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#39 of 323 mountain bike trails in Michigan
#1,377 in the world

This is a good all around trail, lots of switchbacks, some good downhill, climbs, some off camber stuff, and a cool advance section. The trail is shared with runners and hikers in a few sections, but never get in the way. It is best to ride this trail with someone who is familiar with it, otherwise you could miss A LOT of the trail. But if you have patience and like to "explore" and have the time you'll find it a rewarding ride. (P.S. BRING BUG SPRAY!)

First added by jabone39 on Oct 30, 2009. Last updated May 3, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
The trail is located on M-52 just on the north side of Adrian in Herritage park, almost directly across for the cinema ( just slightly north. The entrance is right behind the gas station adjacent to the cinema. At the entrance to the park go straight you have to turn either left or right, go left follow the sign that says stubnitz nature center. Follow the road, it vears right, which is a one way. Once you reach the nature center, the south side of the parking has a info board that isn't very useful, because the maps are faded pretty bad. There are actually three separate loops. Follow the the wide cart path just to the right, you'll go a few hundred feet to a trail crossing, enter the trail on your right, there is an arrow. Stay on the trail, there are a lot of switchbacks, and you'll see the trail through the trees just a couple of feet away in places, don't get confused where the trail is, after a short ride you'll take a quick down hill to a clearing,(there is a cross country running path throughout the park) Now, at the exit of this part of the trail you'll want to go to the right, you'll come to a large feild, look to the left, you'll see a wide cart path like the first one, climb up this hill and abou two thirds the way up the trail picks back up on your left, this is a good place to lose your place a miss parts of the trail. Unfortunately the trail isn't well marked in some places, so my best advice is to follow the trail to the right whenever it's not clear which is the right direction. Once you reach the exit of this section, you'll come out to a good rest spot, it's about halfway through, ( i'm just saying if you NEED a rest) go straight follow this trail, Now when you come out of this section of the trail you'll come out with a "cattle gate" to your left, go left past the cattle gate on the black top road passed the soccer field on your left, to your right will be an R/C flying field, the entrance to the next section is to the right just past the flying field, of you make the sharp turn on the road to the left, you went to far. Now this is an advance riding section, not super technical, but pretty challenging. Once you come out of the trail you'll come out on the opposite side of the soccer field Follow the path across the parking lot to the main road and take that to down the road you drove on, on the one way part before the nature center look left and ther is an additional loop that is easier to navigate. This section crosses the other one way black top one way and eventually arrives at the stubnitz parking lot.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Adrian, Michigan

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  • LowDawg

    Great intermediate ride.. no big jumps, no rocks, just easy fun ride. Could be longer..

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  • Srunkel

    Nice trails. No one else riding while I was there.

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  • awaldie

    Great flowing trail. Some difficult climbs and a couple big downhills!

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  • Abbydanko

    This is a hidden gem! There are maps at the trailhead but you will never need them because the signage is so amazing! The longest loop, the orange loop is marked by number and you just follow it in numerical order. Almost impossible to get lost. Some steep uphills and downhills. Just an all around beautiful trail with great features and flow! Can't wait to come back! There is an air bridge- couldn't figure out how to get to it,not sure if it was only for hikers or not.

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  • Plontz84

    I love this trail. Has some great decents and some good obstacles.

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  • acs395

    Enough technical stuff to keep it interesting, and beginners can bypass those sections. As of October 2016 all trails were well-marked and things seemed well maintained. This is not really a "destination" trail but I can see somebody living within 30 minutes making this a regular stop.

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  • kc8lts

    Rode the trail again since I was in the area for work and enjoyed the trail last time I was in the area.

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  • OhioFatBiker

    Fun, fast and flowy. Beautiful setting and well maintained

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  • Cody Klug

    AMAZING! this is my first "real" mtnbike trail but this was the most fun ive ever had on a bike. I am fairly new to mtnbiking but I do have an adrenaline side, so this trail was perfect. it definitely had some challenging parts that made it interesting, but nothing overly complicated. more of a beginner could just ride the brakes a little bit and be okay on a few fast downhills. I rode the orange loop, which there are a couple other smaller ones. the orange was about 10 miles long. it was very well marked and perfectly clear of debris.

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  • phil a

    I created a singletracks account so I could post a review for this trail. Rode last week, want to say thank you to whomever spent what looks like a lot of time putting up course markers everywhere. Can't imagine how much of the trail I'd have missed out on without all those orange arrows! I'll be back

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  • wavesrcalling

    Fun trail, I don't have a lot of experience in riding yet but I made a half hour trip to this trail and it was fantastic. I just stayed on the orange trail labeled at the beginning by the student learning center. I kept on in pretty well, just got lost in the open fields a couple times. The orange trail is 8 miles. Will be going back soon to finish the orange trail.

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  • Chris Weaver

    Great ride. My GPS mapped it as 9 miles. I didn't realize there could be some much elevation change in Adrian, Mi.

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  • Jason Shipman

    This is a great trail. It is awesome having a trail like this so close to home. The guys/gals that have put in the hard work to make this a great single track option have really done a great job. There are three main loops with the orange loop being the biggest. You get a good mixture of climbing, decending, with some good flow mixed in. All around it's a fun trail to ride.

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  • dmb137

    A true hidden gem. This is a relentless trail, if ridden hard there is no coasting rest time like other more popular SE MI trails. The orange trail is 8.8 miles and offers something for every rider. Very well maintained trail with great flow. Large log rolls and off-camber single track offers great technical challenges. I highly recommend giving it a try!

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  • jrerickson724

    Hadn't ridden this trail for about 5 years. At that time, it literally had no markings whatsoever. That is no longer a problem - I found it marked very well. I vaguely recognized some parts of the trail but a lot had been added since that time. There was a lot more climbing than I anticipated - about 400 ft over 9 miles. There seemed to be a little of everything - flowy downhill, twisty tight turns, some old school gnarly skinnies. I definitely plan on returning when the leaves are gone. Good job to whoever works on these trails making use of the limited elevation changes in the middle of farm country.

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  • Odoggy

    Was here early September and we were lucky enough to have a local rider arrive when we did and asked to show us around. If it wasn't for him we would have been lost. It was an awesome ride! Glad to hear they have the signage in, we may have to go back again before the season is over!

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  • MIchaelThomas

    This is a great trail, the signs are great and gave me the chance to ride the trail as designed! Great job and thank you for this awesome trail!

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  • tmb100x

    As part of the 4 person volunteer group that maintains this trail, I'd like to thank the previous posters for their positive words. And we have heard your complaints about signage, as of today, we now have 5 separately marked loops with a total of 113 sign posts! Shortest trail is .5mi and the longest is 8.8mi. The main trailhead is in the Stubnitz Center parking lot and a large map kiosk board will be installed within the month that will have newly updated trifold maps to take with you. So please come try our little park again. And if you'd like a local guide, feel free to contact me through this site.

    Thank you
    The Magically Done trail Crew

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  • mongwolf

    I rode Heritage Park Trail today. It was a fair ride. Not much speed, but still fun. As some have commented already, the trails are poorly marked, but you can find your way around if you're willing to just ride around. I found the other reviews on ST very helpful. Also, there is no map data posted on ST. So I found a link for a map elsewhere. I am posting it here: http://www.eyeonmichigan.com/guides/adrian/maps.php?map=3 It is not very detailed or accurate, but it does seem to help some. I hope it posts. All in all, it seemed to me the trails on top of the ridges and on the slopes were more fun. And the trails in the bottom were a little less fun.

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  • steevo

    This was an interesting trail, it wasn't marked very good imo but after talking to the maintainers of the park they said the park is kinda open to how you want to ride it. In other words there's no set way how you should ride it. This trail has some really steep ridges that you ride along the side of. There's some really easy parts then not too much further down the trail it can get very technical all of the sudden. It can take you off guard if your not looking down the trail. You'll start off at the top of these quite tall ridges then make your way riding down the side of the ridges to get to the bottom which was pretty exciting. I would be careful riding this trail at night, especially if the trail is muddy. You don't want to go off the trail on the high ridge parts. There's a cool hill "Big Bertha" that you can go down that is pretty long and if you don't touch the brakes you can get up to some pretty high speeds, around 30mph, very fun. I like this trail, but I really do wish it was better marked, I understand its cool to make your own path around the trail but for first timers it can be confusing.

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