This is a less-traveled route that gives you a different view of the Highwoods. There is less climbing than the Windy Mountain route, but the downhill isn't quite as much fun either. Start as you would on the Windy Mountain loop, heading up the North Fork of Highwood Creek. At 2.8 miles, look for the Center Ridge Trail 415 (may be hard to spot) on the right. Follow it up from the drainage. After about half a mile, you will have to go right--you may notice a trail heading left, but that will take you far from where you want to be. After some level riding, there will be a nice drop into a drainage and a climb up to a saddle, followed by some gentle roller coaster riding. About a half mile after the saddle, the trail will veer right (northeast, and you'll follow ridge that runs roughly parallel to the North Fork Highwood creek you started out on. A few miles of ridgetop riding with great views brings you to a screaming downhill off the ridge that will deposit you very close to your car. The USGS Arrow Peak quad is very helpful for this ride. If you don't want to worry about getting lost, ride the loop in reverse, but that will involve some brutal climbing.
This is a great ride for a couple reasons. First, it provides a good variety of singletrack in a scenic area. Second, it's totally uncrowded, even by central Montana standards. While the Highwoods can get busy, especially around the trailhead where there's plenty of campsites, it seems like nobody ever takes this route. Head out here if you want a nice workout in complete solitude.
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