Flowy with banked switchbacks and optional jumps. The trail is only approx. 1.3 miles long the rest of the mileage is getting there and climbing back up via fire road.
Aptly named trail for sure. Great little flow trail that is well maintained and easy to read and ride. A few little jumps thrown in the mix, which make it a blast. Ride in late June and not crowded at all. Easy area to loop and repeat, or can be tied with other trails in the Network to add up some miles. Starting across to way on Scott's Flat and doing a CCR thru the loop got me nearly 20 miles. Scott's was a great start and Hoot was an excellent way to wrap it up.
A: ENE approximately 1 mile uphill from the store. Trailforks app can help you find it, it is hard to find otherwise and easy to pass the trailhead, ask anyone if they can show you is your best choice other than trailforks.
Aptly named trail for sure. Great little flow trail that is well maintained and easy to read and ride. A few little jumps thrown in the mix, which make it a blast. Ride in late June and not crowded at all. Easy area to loop and repeat, or can be tied with other trails in the Network to add up some miles. Starting across to way on Scott's Flat and doing a CCR thru the loop got me nearly 20 miles. Scott's was a great start and Hoot was an excellent way to wrap it up.
Thank |Very dusty and horribly irregular surface. No joy at all, unfortunately. Needs to rest until some rain comes.
Thank |Open
Thank |Snowed in!
Thank |