A peaceful forest trail diverging into two paths, surrounded by lush greenery and trees. The trail is unpaved and lined with small stones and scattered foliage, creating a natural and serene environment. Hoyt Park mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 2 mi (3.2 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +50/ -44 ft
Total: 44 riders

Mountain Biking Hoyt Park

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#71 of 388 mountain bike trails in Wisconsin
#3,241 in the world

Tight twisty singletrack maintained by local IMBA chapter

First added by dannostro on Sep 19, 2014. Last updated Oct 18, 2022. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: no
  • Restrooms: yes
  • Fat bike grooming: yes
  • E-bikes allowed: yes
  • Fee required: no
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Getting there
Off of Swan Blvd. in tosa

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Wauwatosa, Wisconsin

Beginner | 5 mi
| 27 mi
Intermediate | 0 mi

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  • hollyanne99

    By itself, this trail is pretty short, 1-2 miles, and it's beginner to intermediate (if you ride faster, you'll need to be better at twisting through tight trees). It's best ridden by connecting to the connector trail that goes out to Oak Hill to make for a longer ride. I often encounter a lot of foot traffic here, and often broken glass.

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  • the_salaminzer

    Nice to have something to ride right after work, but it's quite tame. You find trash here a lot and you have to watch out for walkers and their kids/dogs. Wouldn't recommend making a trip here.

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  • Collin Buth

    Very basic, short trail system. great for beginners or cool down from full TOSA loop. make sure to check out the connector trail to Oak Hill.

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  • maborchardt

    Cool trail, really tacky dirt. It also seemed to dry out quickly b/c I went there shortly after a rain storm. The trail is pretty slim though, definitely was scraping the sides of my handle bars. Cool little local trail though

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  • Matthew Bonner

    This is a great after work ride. The tight, twisty singletrack tests your turning technique and the small jumping area keeps you on your feet. This is a great trail for beginners, but is still entertaining for experts if ridden fast. Combine this with the Oak Hill Connector for a longer ride.

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  • CaptainObviousDY

    I had a blast on this trail even though it may seem very short when you do a speed run through it! Still very fun :)

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  • Jesse Mattson

    Good trails when you dont have the time to load up and head out of the city. Very flat with some tight sections. Sections get muddy easy when it rains.

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  • DK302

    I'm still new to the trails here. I've been here twice and once at Minooka. I would rate this as easy. Even if it was longer it wasn't that much harder then the easy trail at Minooka.

    It's got some small climbs, nothing too hard even if you're out of shape like me. Alot of flow areas to speed up if you want. There is an area in the middle where you could have some fun with some technical challenges.

    Be aware as stated by others, there are people and dogs walking the trail too so watch out for them.

    Overall, there's some roots here and there and some rocks, but overall, you can get nice 20 minute ride after work.

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  • third_coasters

    Well maintained 2.5 mile loop. Rock gardens, roots, not very technical - a couple laps and it's a nice after work ride. Combo it with the connector trail up to Oak Hill (Capital and Hampton) and you get 15 miles of singletrack right in Tosa.

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  • Joshua Falcon

    This trail is FANTASTIC. So flowy and fun. We have a blast everytime we come. It's nice to have such a choice is routes and distance. Local bars look like fun too!

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  • mtn417

    I rode 16 miles here the other day. First time. There is a very well marked trail that starts on NW side of river x capitol dr. This is a great trail for its tight location. Very twisty and tight in spots but also very fun and nothing technical, just nice singletrack. I highly commend the METRO Mountain Bikers Organization. There are further trails just across the street from entrance to currie park on East side of Hwy 100 on either side of the river. You can easily ride about 12 miles. mtbproject has maps!

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  • ARCHangel992

    Well groomed trail with a few sweet flowy sections. Surroundings are beautiful given it is in the heart of 'Tosa. Two complaints are that it is so tight that you can't keep any real speed or even get in a great cardio workout because you're always trying to get up to speed. Tight trail does force you to get better at picking lines going into turns and "walking" the handlebars between trees. Also lots of dog walkers, which combined with blind corners can be hazardous. All in all a great trail given the convenient location and the fact that I can actually commute to work via singletrack. Almost a 4-star but not quite.

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  • dannostro

    Twisty, gentle rolling terrain. Nice trail to get started on.

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