A narrow dirt path winding through a dense, green forest, surrounded by tall trees and lush undergrowth. The scene is tranquil, with dappled light filtering through the leaves. Hydrocut mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 22 mi (35.4 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +416/ -413 ft
Total: 332 riders

Mountain Biking Hydrocut

*****   Add a review
#4 of 311 mountain bike trails in Ontario
#542 in the world

Trail is fast flowing singletrack when dry. Slippery clay based when wet. Nothing too technical but well laid out and has something for everyone. Many new black and double black trails with lots of great technical trail features and a new jump park.

First added by cctramer on Aug 26, 2006. Last updated Apr 11, 2024. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: no
  • Lift service: no
  • Night riding: yes
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: yes
  • Fat bike grooming: yes
  • E-bikes allowed: yes
  • Fee required: no
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
From Toronto take HWY-401 W - go 64 km Take the HWY-8 exit 278 to Cambridge/Kitchener - go 1.0 km Merge into HWY-8 W - go 7.1 km Take the HWY-7 W/HWY-8 W ramp to Stratford - go 8.3 km Take the Trussler Rd exit - go 0.5 km Bear right onto the exit ramp - go 91 m At the Roundabout exit onto Trussler Rd - go 1.3 km Turn right onto Highland Rd W. - go 400 m Turn left onto Glasgow St - go 1 km m Enter the parking area/meeting spot just past the tracks on your left.

Hydrocut Trail map

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Worth the Climb? Crazy Carter Skinny,…
Feature Compilation - Jumps, Crash, Rock…
Great Intro to Skinnies - Child's…
Fallen Tree Skinny - Mountain Bike…
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Mountain Bike Trails Near Waterloo, Ontario

Beginner | 14 mi

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  • Mickey D

    Awesome place to ride. Well marked and well maintained. Highly recommend this place.

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  • Biking with JP

    Excellent Riding Conditions, even the Fluffy Bunny skinny is possible - https://youtu.be/YH5MmV2oOJY

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  • Paul Loeffelholz

    Great flow on well packed snow courses . Temp -3 c feeling like -8c Jan 20

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  • OhioFatBiker

    This is a gem of a place I discovered while traveling for work. It influenced my travel plans from that point forward (making sure I stay close by and arranged my schedule to suit the weather on the trail). It is compact, the trails have a little of everything (beginner, intermediate and technical) and the stacked loop layout means you can have a different experience based on the mood you are in. I have ridden a lot of trails in urban areas, this one is a benchmark that many other cities could look to for guidance. It makes the most of limited space and terrain features.

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  • Howell

    Super Awesome! The flow is great here... unidirectional trails make it happen

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  • Paul Smenis

    Really great trail. Couple notes, firstly the direction given by singletracks are indeed wrong. Google Hydrocut and you'll find either the Snyder or Glasgow trail head. Secondly, rather than just a trail it's actually a system of trails that come off the main multi-use trail, snake something it's called. There are roughly 25 individually named trails ranging from beginner to double black diamond. If you start at Glasgow then you're starting at the beginning. This is trail 1, Katelyn's switchback. This trail system is great, well maintained and thought out. I drove an hour to get there and it's totally worth it.

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  • Biking with JP

    This is the best single track MTB trails I have found in Ontario. I regularly meet people that have traveled over an hour to get there.

    There is something for everyone, I see kids riding with their parents on the easier trails and there are also double black diamond / expert level trails.

    I have taken full trail videos of 22 of the trials so far (there are more being built this year... pending COVID-19) and put them in a playlist here so you can see which trails are best for you:


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  • michaelschafer01

    Trails are super packed and fast, but a little overgrown due to the wet spring. Lots of maintenance has been done and there's a new piece of trail. Still one of the most fun and flow places in southern Ontario.

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  • MaBaker

    Most trails, of this quality, are found at a distance from cities and require a driving time commitment. I doubt there is a trail rated as highly as this right in a city. So much use but never crowded. So well maintained by the Waterloo cycling club. Something for everyone.

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  • MaBaker

    you have got to be kidding. I have ridden 50 trails and this one would be in the top 3 for well maintained trails anywhere.

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  • ridgeryder

    sorry just editing my rating. Is was a very rider friendly environment.

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  • yonss

    amazing right now

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  • interblazer71

    Discovered this trail through Singletracks. All the reviews made me think it would be good for a low-level intermediate rider like myself, who is also similarly looking for a challenge. What a great system of trails! A little bit for everyone, from fast flowing smooth to tight technical and everything in between. Some great man made stuff as well. Trails are well marked and flow into one another. Been coming here for 4 years and it keeps getting better. Props to Waterloo Cycling Club for maintaining and adding to these trails. A truly enjoyable and gut-busting ride every time.

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  • Beeni0

    I make the trek out here numerous times every spring/summer. Absolutely love the trails and the best in Ontario for me. Lots of climbing but some really good trails inside like Frankenstein, Dead Camel Bend, Kamikaze and Monkey Boy. All trails are very well marked and are 1 way only. Trails range from Beginner to Expert with clear signage.

    Trail builders have done an outstanding job maintaining it and constantly adding new stuff. These trails are free but they accept donations on their website.

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  • Rowerzysta

    The directions provided here are incorrect. If you follow, you will end up in a residential area not at the trail head. Type "Hydrocut" in Google maps instead

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  • Luke V

    fast and flowy in most places and easy to mantain speed through the corners. i would recommend adam's run to anyone that had good technical ability because it is a double black, the trail has a lot of fun rock obsticles and drops so be careful!

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  • Downhill Mike

    Does anybody know how are the conditions?

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  • tedwiktor

    This is a great trail system, with all trails one way only.

    Trails are well maintained, and well marked and have varying difficulty levels.

    There are no huge hills to kill you, but what climbs there are, are definetey challenging.

    Only draw back to this place (only due to its popularity) is that it can get crowded.

    Definitely will return.

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  • Glenn Boccini Nincheri

    Fantastic work, the sponsorship and teamwork of trail maintenance has mad an AMAZING difference. The club should be proud as heck!

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  • Rowerzysta

    Tried to follow the directions provided here... ended up somewhere in residential neighbourhood away from the trails.
    When we finally got there, we were not disappointed. As mentioned in the other reviews, the trails are pretty well marked and maintained. All one direction, which makes them pretty safe. There are 2 new trails, Wild Turkey Loop and Turtle loop that aren't included in the map at the parking lot.
    The Glawgow parking lot is pretty beaten... please don't drive in there when muddy. That applies to the trails as well.

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Rider questions

Q: is this a provincial park
A: No its mostly on lands owned by the Region Of Waterloo with small portions owned by a couple local businesses

Q: Can people walk the trail
A: Only on a couple of the multi use trails. The majority are bike only trails.