Currently two beginner loops. 1.2 mile north loop and 3 mile south loop. There are plans to expand to a 13 mile trail system with riding for all abilities.
Johnston Woods Trails has been open to mountain bikers, hikers, and runners since October 2015. We need your help to ensure these trails continue to be open and accessible for all trail users for many years to come. Please read these important updates and help us preserve this wonderful resource by being responsible users and stewards of Johnston Woods Trails.
1. Bike, hike, run ONLY on the white or blue-blazed trails. These trails were built on private property owned by Broad Street United Methodist Church and it is only the blue and white-blazed trails that are open to the public. The rest of Johnston Woods is reserved for guests and users of Johnston Woods Retreat Center and is off-limits to users of the Johnston Woods Trails.
2. Trails and parking lot are open from dawn to dusk 7 days a week. Users of the trail should be off the trail and out of the parking lot by sunset.
3. Phase 2 of Johnston Woods Trails is still in the planning phase and is not yet completed or open to users. The second phase of JW Trails will add an additional 4 ½ to 5 miles of intermediate trails to the trails system. There has been some work done on them, but they are far from being completed. We need to fix some issues with the existing trails before we start raising money for Phase 2 and begin construction.
4. Dogs are welcome on marked trails but must be leashed.
5. Say “Thank You” to Broad Street United Methodist Church for allowing us to build these trails on their property and for opening them to the public. BSUMC has graciously and enthusiastically allowed mountain bikers to build trails on their property. They have welcomed the community to enjoy God’s creation on these trails. It is only because of their generosity that we have mountain bike trails in Bradley County/Cleveland. Please help us preserve this resource given to the community by BSUMC by being good stewards and users of the trails on their property.
Beginner friendly trail that doesn't have anything to technical. Good place to go get some laps in after work or go for a lunch ride.
Thank |