A mountain biker navigating a rocky trail surrounded by greenery, with various sized stones and patches of grass visible in the foreground. Long Pond Ironworks State Park mountain bike trail.
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Level: Advanced
Length: 10 mi (16.1 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +377/ -315 ft
Total: 155 riders

Mountain Biking Long Pond Ironworks State Park

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#3 of 111 mountain bike trails in New Jersey
#365 in the world

8-10 miles of singletrack built over the past several years. Very well-designed, constructed and maintained by NORBA, the local mtb club. More background on Jungle Habitat's checkered past as a wild-life amusement park here, from the tourist attacked by lions to the 50 wild animals abandoned to nature by Warner Brothers when they closed the park

First added by ac90002 on May 24, 2009. Last updated Nov 22, 2022. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
Airport Road in West Milford, left just before the private airport

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Mountain Bike Trails Near West Milford, New Jersey

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  • JoeCool130

    This is a place i would like to get back to but the drive sucks for me. Very challenging and rocky , hard to find the trails not well marked. I think i parked in the wrong lot and didn't explore enough to find any old rides or old remnents from the emusment park. Would like to try this place again.

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  • theaveragejoe-joe

    A gem of place for singletrack. Not only does it feature rocky climbs and descents, but has nice boulder climbs and hop-overs, as well. I love riding here on my steel singlespeed hardtail, but after 3 hours, my lower back feels it. Some sections have narrow-spaced trees so don't fly too fast.

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  • Evo23L

    If you're looking a tough and challenging trails to try out, this is the place. Very challenging trails here, not for the beginner riders at all.

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  • trailwerks

    Very rocky and technical trail. Not for beginners. Great challenge and work out.

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  • roadandmud

    Rode here 11-8-15. Lots of leave covered rocks, which is normal for this time of the year, a few flowing sections but not enough to make the 1.5 hr drive worth the trip.
    I don't think we will be riding here again.
    Very technical, which was good but just not that enjoyable to ride. Not unlike Chimney Rock, NJ, just not as much fun.

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  • Adam Augenzucker   ✓ supporter

    One of my favor I te places to ride always a challenge stil kicks mg ass but always have a great time. Definitely not ideal for beginnets or novice riders

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  • NJMTBguys

    For its location it wasn't bad very rocky but for the most part doable as long as you keep momentum. A group of us went this Sunday that just passed and got to do 50% of Wharthog do to a state race they had set up and also got to do Animal Shute to Lower Chute which to me can be a great run and practice this last run hast it all rocks, hilly, fast pace, berms even little stream crossing will be coming back soon with a bigger group.

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  • WarChariot

    Very challenging terrain. Rocky, steep, twisty, fun! Bring a first aid kit, I know I needed one...

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  • td14

    Very Very rocky. This is more challenging with plenty of climbs. Lacking in flow.

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  • bucknejo

    Fantastic trail system that keeps getting better. Town cycle and JORBA take good care of the single track and seem to be always adding new trail markers. If you're a beginner, print out a map from the JORBA site and choose the counter-clockwise direction of Animal Chute -> Warthog -> Otter Slide -> Tanks -> Cages -> Tiger Pen -> Fish -> Hippo -> Lower Chute loop. This could be the best way to enjoy Tanks -> Cages -> Tiger Pen -> Fish as it's mostly downhill once you get up Otter Slide. I heard Dump Truck Hill is great too, but haven't gotten to it yet. Overall, excellent way to spend a few hours and a place you will come back to again and again.

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  • Phillychris498

    Jungle Habitat is definitely the most unique in New Jersey. It has it all; from insane rock gardens to tight switchbacks and fast flowy single track. The trails at Jungle Habitat are overall pretty difficult, but can be done. The trails didn't get boring for me over the 6 hours I spent there. Fantastic system.

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  • Chris21

    I've been riding here for years and the trail work that JORBA and Town Cycle is tremendous. Checkout the new trail, Boulderdash, that now links Fish and Dump Truck. This trail is truly a work of art with amazing rock armouring that reflects many man hours of great engineering and physical exertion. Great job guys and thank you!

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  • Tlo

    This place is awesome. Very very technical. Good downhills. Can be very challenging. I recommend the otterslide and the baboon. also there is some awesome unmarked trails near the powerlines at the end of the baboon you should try. I also really like to bomb down the pipeline area to finish off my day.
    Also the fish to the hippo is a good combo that is full of super tight single track

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  • Billh71

    One of the most interesting trails I've ridden. I went too early to go by the bike shop to get a map and it definitely would have helped. The first coiple trails i did definitely were better going back. Ivadvise riding away from gate on roads then heading back on the trails. They seemed to be oriented that way. Bery rocky but if youre going the right way you get some help from gravity. Definitely worth visiting.

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  • xcracer297

    i may be prejudice because i'm on team town cycle but this is one of my favorite places to ride. its an odd combination of flowy singletrack and technical trail. you cant come here and leave the same. you always learn something new. my favorite trails used to be animal shute, warthog, and otterslide but now they all take lower positions because the newest trail, boon, is the most fun trail to ride just beacuse of the flow. no other trail compares to it.

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  • Mackendro

    Amazing trails through an odd, abandoned wildlife park. JORBA and Town Cycle (West Milford), have done an amazing job here. Ride Rhino for the latest genius addition to this challenging but supremely satisfying small network of technical single track.

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  • runningwithscissors

    awsome ride alot of rocks turns and twist towne cycle is doing a great job keep up the good work and trails

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  • chimpchamp7

    Great ride, lots of rock gardens and switchbacks. Some sections are wonderfully challenging and others infuriating! Definitely get a map before going from the local bike shop or the JORBA website.

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  • ac90002

    Very nice new, well-maintained singletrack, with some testing rock gardens. Intermediate and up, depending on how fast you take it.

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Rider questions

Q: Trail head address
A: You can find the trail head here along with trail maps etc. https://www.trailforks.com/poi/9697/