Kellogg is a twisty, windy, narrow single track trail. Not a lot of up hill climb or big down hills, but very fun! It was made many years ago by the local moto folks and they did a good job! It is part of an enduro moto race held ever fall. This Kellogg portion is only 12 miles of the 100 mile race course. The trail surface is clay and shale. If it is wet don't bother. You won't do much damage to the trail but you will gum up your bike. The trail has a feel of a pump track, bermed turns, minor jumps and rollers. The trail is tight within the trees. If you think it is too tight, remember the moto guys ride it a lot faster than we can. The trail is not marked but well established. It is easy to follow the trail (once your on it). Watch for trees or branches on the trail. Motorcycles do use this trail (mainly on the weekends and their numbers are not high). They can be heard before they get to you on the trail and there is room to move off the trail to let them pass. This trail is located on public and private land. Cattle graze the area but are seldom an issue, be considerate. Trail is far from anywhere, be prepared.