Khonkhor Hills South trail photo
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Length: 37 mi (59.5 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +725/ -818 ft
Total: 1 riders

Mountain Biking Khonkhor Hills South

*****   Add a review
#6 of 70 mountain bike trails in Mongolia
#5,112 in the world

This is a network of trails on the far SE end of the Bogd Uul range. There are around 40 miles of trail here in an area of about 75 sq km (29 sq mi, 18,700 acres, 8500 hectares). Most all of it is on the north side of the mountain, and much of it forested with rock outcrops scattered throughout. Very beautiful. There is more trail on the south side of the mountain, but I am limiting this description to the north side only. The southern trails are much more barren for the most part. If you added in the south side of the mountain, the mileage would increase substantially.

I have only ridden a small portion of the trails here thus far, but what I have ridden is REALLY nice. The climbs are very nice -- long but not too steep with some challenging spots and hike-a-bike sections here and there. The DHs are a great mix of slow tech, fast tech and all out rippin' fast. There is a good mix of singletrack and double track. The double track is not double wide, but two narrow singletrack side by side. Most of the trails were formed by vehicles, but receive so little use that the track often reduces to narrow singletrack. The surface is a mix of hardback, organic dirt and grass/needle. Five stars so far for the riding, scenery and pristine nature.

First added by mongwolf on May 26, 2015. Last updated Apr 24, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
From the east gate of Ulaanbaatar (Bayan Zurkh Tovchoo, drive 11km and take a right (south) into the small community of Khonkhor. Follow the road southwest out of Khonkhor (rough dirt road) towards the mountain. The "hills" are directly in front of you as you drive. After about 3 km, the hills are near to the road on your left and you can start a ride pretty much any where. If you continue to drive, the road dead ends into a couple of camps at about 6 km. From this curve/turnaround point at the end of the road, I like to double back (east) about 600m to a clearly defined two track that dives off the main road. Drop down on this two track and park in a stand of larch trees maybe 75m south of the road. From here, you can ride your bike south across the little creek, and start heading south up the mountain. You will see the two track heading up the mountain.
System trails (10)
 difficultyClay Mountain7 mi
 difficultyClay Mountain Portal1 mi
 difficultyEast Valley5 mi
 difficultyInner Basin3 mi
 difficultyLower Tur Norakh Gol4 mi
 difficultyMoon Mountain Pass2 mi
 difficultyUpper Basin2 mi
 difficultyUpper Basin Short Loop2 mi
 difficultyUpper Traverse6 mi
 difficultyWild Horses*****4 mi

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  • mongwolf
    Reviewing Wild Horses:

    If you like climbing, you will like this trail. If you like descending, you will like this trail. =) There is nothing not to like about this trail. A big 4.1 mile climb (1750' of verts) and descent in a beautiful Mongolian larch forest. Great views of big country on top. Why is it called Wild Horses? Read the review under the main trail system page Khonkhor Hills South.

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  • mongwolf

    The trail system has a lot of grassy surfaces. I'm guessing that by mid-summer, it could be difficult ride in places due to the tall grasses. It will be interesting to see. I'm really looking forward to riding this trail at different times of the year and see what the conditions are. Spring and fall should be awesome for sure.

    Even with the potential of tall grass for part of the year, I really like that the surface is all organic or hard packed. There is no loose granite gravel. So the traction is excellent and really allows you to open it up on the downhills.

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  • mongwolf

    Beautiful Siberian larch forest with some birch and spruce mixed in. Big long climbs, fast long descents with some tech mix in. It's all good here. Great place to ride and explore.
    Near the bottom of the mountain at the end of our ride last week, we suddenly came upon a small herd of horses. We were at full speed when we saw them, and they immediately took off in front of us at a full gallop. Down the mountain we went together with the horses just ahead of us. It was a beautiful sight and quite the experience. Another great Mongolia moment.

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