A rocky trail winding through a dense forest, surrounded by greenery and scattered stones along the path. Knights Path mountain bike trail.
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Level: Beginner
Length: 6 mi (9.7 km)
Surface: Doubletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: -
Total: 24 riders

Mountain Biking Knights Path

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#96 of 201 mountain bike trails in Tennessee
#5,718 in the world

i found this trail on accident but its in pretty good contition im workin on marking the trails that i run the most but it\'s good for beginers to adv riders a few good down hills,hard climbs,creek crossings as well. it kinda parales 101 expway and goes further back i havent rode the whole trail yet so its still indian country in some places so fee free to check it out and let me know what else is back there!!

First added by sgthuddleston on Jul 8, 2006. Last updated Apr 29, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
take exit 4 off of I-24 and goleft down wilma rudolph and the 4 way stop take a right on to 101 exp way follow it down untill you get to the peachers mill 4 way and take a left follow peachers mill untill the first 4 way stop turn left at the elem school follow that road untill you get to the middle school stop in the parkin lot. the trail will start as a claring on the side of the roade by the middle school.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Clarksville, Tennessee

Intermediate | 3 mi
| 6 mi
Intermediate | 7 mi

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  • MTBCrash29   ✓ supporter

    This is now the Clarksville Greenway. A paved lane for foot traffic, dogs along withthe the droppingtrail that nonbody picks up, mom strollers, joggers and the occasional bike family. Nice for a trip with the kids but no off road trails....yet. Rumor is, Clarksville has entered discussion with SORBA to put in some singletrack for mountain bikers. Hope to see that soon. I will attempt to keep you posted on the progress.

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  • noellebelle55

    yea this is now the Greenway of Clarksville. beautiful as it is, there is a lot of foot traffic and it isnt extrememly difficult but its a great long walk or ride if you want something more relaxing

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  • noellebelle55

    yea this is now the Greenway of Clarksville. beautiful as it is, there is a lot of foot traffic and it isnt extrememly difficult but its a great long walk or ride if you want something more relaxing

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  • shopvac

    UPDATE: 1 June 2010

    This trail is no longer double track (the NON Private property part anyway) it is now an improved road (gravel, 1 lane) that is phase 2 of the Clarksville Greenway walking path. I'm guessing it will be be asphalted and connected to the first portion within the next 6 months or so. I'm glad everyone will be motivated to get out and walk it, but its a damn shame, this was a pretty nice cross country MTB trail that was less than 2 miles from my front door.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Old review:
    Thanks for putting this trail on here! I’ve wanted to explore the wooded area behind Kenwood for a while but didn’t know where to start. I thought that trail was just for kids walking home from school. It is in fact an old railroad track as one of the other riders posted and in case you haven’t rode this in the last 2-3 months it connects into the “new” Clarksville “Greenway” walking path that is located at the east end of Pollard Road. I am guessing that if you stay on the old railroad track path that you are not on private property, it is most likely state owned property. There are lots of private property signs and fences on either side of the trail. I too came out at the water treatment plant and swung around the north side of the rock quarry then out to providence, nice ride. * Review edited 5/31/2010* Review edited 5/31/2010

    * Review edited 5/31/2010

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  • Andrew01!

    anybody know if any of this trail is on private property? I was running it the other day and got yelled at/chased by some dudes on ATVs telling me to turn around saying it was private property. Not sure if it really is or they just want to enjoy it for themselves? Anybody have any idea? I would like to keep enjoying it but I would also like to not get shot next time I'm out there if it is indeed their property. Thanks.

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  • Canderson0623

    Good trail, and will be great if it gets cleaned up a bit. By far the best downhill sections in Clarksville with steep, pretty technical uphills. The directions given aren't all that accurate.

    When you turn into the school parking proceed to the N-NE corner of the HIGH SCHOOL. There is a Gravel road located at the North East corner of the property (right across from the HIGH SCHOOL :) that leads back to a small Power/sub station. The trail picks up there. If you go by the directions above there is no real defined trail and it will send you into a area with some pretty gnarly sink-holes and thick brush.


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  • doverhxc

    I rode this trail for the first and last time today. It is more of an eroded atv track than a mountain bike trail. There were parts of this trail where I was worried for the wellfare of my bike. With rotary park as close as it is, there is no reason to ride this trail. But if you must, the scenery is top notch, thats about all this trail has going for it.

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  • celicascott2003

    I have been riding this trail since I was about 10 yrs old (my parents house is beside the trail.) I like the fact that it is not maintained, this trail is always changing. Sometimes people ride horses, sometimes kids are on atvs or dirtbikes, but it is very rare to see anyone else out on the trail. It is not a loop of any kind but its fun up and down the same hills. It is a fun ride none the less. Plus the trail is actually an old rail road track so you see interesting things along the way.

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  • skotniczny

    This is a decent trail however the single track near the high school car park is over grown. The double track is a bit creep and posted. I came across a couple of big dogs near the track, they were chained up luckily but it still seemed dangerous. I wouldn't go on this track alone. I strongly suggest going to Rotary Park instead of here.

    * Review edited 7/31/2008

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  • nexus1200s

    So I had rode this trail before and it was a decent ride, I rated it a 3. The trails were smooth and the scenery was great. After I went back today, I found that since the last time I was there, the trail had undergone a severe amount of erosion and the trees had fallen down all over the place. There were large rocks everywhere and and it was almost more dangerous to ride then have fun. The brush was also overgrown on parts of the trail and made the trail disappear. The trail was open, but with the lack of upkeep and erosion, it might as well be closed for good.

    * Review edited 9/26/2008

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  • sgthuddleston

    ( all of this is after the hardball road i.e. prosser road) I was out on knights path by my house today and as i was coming down a small hill i notices out of the corrner of my eye a neon colored marking tape.. i had never seen this here before.. so i said what the heck i'll ride it and see where it goes. I'm really gald i did that trail has to be some of the best doubletrack around my house or in clarksville for that matter..rotary park is still getting fixed at the moment.. but smooth lines, creek crossings, wildlife almost everywhere here, i even had a spotted fawn go stride for stride with me for a short section, but the one thing that really eats me up is i didn't have my camera the batteries were dead in it

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  • sgthuddleston

    i finaly finished riding the whole trail past the hardball crossing and i have to say after that the scenery is AWESOME!! rideing by the TN river ,but the end sucked i came out by a water treatment plant ACK!!!! so that sucked but i fished off on provendence by the collage AP and rode the side walk in so it wasnt a bad ride saw alot of dead out there

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