Map of the hiking trails in Big Bend area, featuring marked trails such as Bommer Ridge Trail, Big Bend Trail, and Laguna Ridge Trail. Key staging areas are indicated by blue circles. Trails are outlined in green. The map shows connections to Stagecoach Trail and Laguna Canyon Road. Laguna Ridge Trail mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 1 mi (1.6 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Out & Back
Elevation: +48/ -264 ft
Total: 14 riders

Mountain Biking Laguna Ridge Trail

*****   Add a review
#182 of 1,005 mountain bike trails in California
#2,555 in the world

Gnarly downhill single track - what else do you need to know?!

First added by swerverider on Apr 6, 2013. Last updated May 8, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
Laguna Ridge Trail is located at marker post #16 on Bommer Ridge (downhill) and also at marker post #23 on Laguna Canyon Road (uphill).

Laguna Ridge Trail Trail map

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Laguna Beach, California

| 4 mi
Intermediate | 1 mi
| 1 mi
Beginner | 1 mi

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  • EnduroBroh

    I would call this on the advanced side of intermediate. You should be pretty good at staying over your back tire, able to ride brake bumps (just a few sections), and be comfortable with rock drops (2 drops around 2 to 3 ft).

    Pretty fun but very short downhill trail. I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND riding up willow canyon road to bommer to get to T&A. I parked at the dog park and decided to ride up big bend to bomer instead the other day. Turned into a hike-a-bike trail pretty quick for me. Big bend is a pretty ridiculously steep fire road with loose dirt and rocks which proved incredibly hard to ride up.

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  • [email protected]

    Trail starts with a challenging steep challenging rocky section. It's difficulty to choose a line this first section considering they all lead to large boulders or ruts. I usually stay to the right. After about a hundred yards of this. It's platoughs into a fast single track with very steep sections and into my favorite part of the trail with rock drop offs and step downs. Best trail in el Moro in my opinion.

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  • swerverider

    Laguna Ridge trail also known (unofficially) as T&A, is a steep, rocky technical downhill single track. About half way down it flattens out for a short while before becoming, yes, you guessed it steep, rocky and technical again. Watch out for a few rocks to huck, as well as cactus encroachment on certain parts of the trail.

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