A wooden bridge leads into a serene, wooded area with bare trees and soft sunlight filtering through the branches. In the background, a path winds towards a small building with a metal roof. A trash can is visible along the path. The scene conveys a quiet, natural setting ideal for a peaceful walk. Lake Fausse Pointe Trail System mountain bike trail.
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Level: Beginner
Length: 5 mi (8 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: -
Total: 14 riders

Mountain Biking Lake Fausse Pointe Trail System

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#25 of 51 mountain bike trails in Louisiana
#5,363 in the world

Trail is actually a system of 3 loops. There are a few elevation changes, but nothing over a few meters. Trail can be fairly technical in some places with switchbacks, bridges over the swamp, and the roots running across the trail. Maps can be obtained at the main gate ($2 day-use fee), trailhead, or Interpretive Center. To get any kinda mileage/time on the bike, ride all three loops. Depending on the "dampness" of the trail near the beaver lodges, one may want to take advantage of the "Drier Alternate Route" thru the "Boy Scout Area". Entire trail can get kinda wet, this is South Louisiana after all. Good trail for beginner confidence boost. And a blast for anyone who wants to test their suspension.

First added by Big_Poppa on Oct 23, 2004. Last updated May 10, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
Starting on US Hwy 90 from either East or West, take the Cade/St. Martinville exit. Take the first left, following signs for St. Martinville. From St. Martinville, take LA 96 to LA 679, then to LA 3083. Turn right onto Levee Road for 8 miles. Park entrance is on the right.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near St. Martinville, Louisiana

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  • Onetwo

    Closed due to flood damage

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  • succre

    Lots of roots. After the second mile on trail C, there were some overgrown areas but they weren't horrible. A few downed trees in the path. I was concerned about overgrown areas only bc I didn't want to be surprised by a cottonmouth hiding in tall grasses. It was fun. Only welt on trail C which is 3.3 miles. It was mainly flat with a few elevations. The plentiful roots do test suspension. A nice little trail in a beautiful state park.

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  • armymxer81

    rode this today not bad did the 3 mile loop twice did in the reg direction and then in reverse, and also did the other 2 . fun fast trail no real hills lots of roots but al in all not bad .

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  • SportsmansParadiseLA

    Great trail for riders of all skill levels. There are a ton of roots on all of the trails ( I thought that I broke my suspension a couple of times). Toward the 1.5 mark on Trail C, it becomes hilly and more technical. Its like it turns into a whole new trail. There is not any cell phone service in the park so bring your quaters for the pay-phone. Best trail that I have ridden on in south Louisiana yet ( Still haven't tried THE BEAST). Great trail for Cajun Country. WHO DAT!!!!* Review edited 2/15/2012

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  • jrachal

    The trail is fairly simple , longest loop is 3 miles , not very technical , lots of bridges over the swamp , some elevation changes , maybe 4 ft at the highest , but the scenery is great making the this trail a good ride .

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  • thebluesbox

    I have been riding here a few times and the more I go the better its gets. Trail A and B are easy and simple, something you can take the kids and wife on with out much trouble. Save trail C - 3 mile loop for last for you and your buddy or older kids unless your wife is really a great biker :-) ... the back side of trail C gets hilly and a little technical, very fun compaired to the rest of the other trails. The park has pavillions, water park for kids. boating camp rentals, really great place for the family and nice biking area for this part of La. Wood bridges in a hand full of places throughout the trails, roots and a few wet spots after a rain, the wild life will keep you on your toes with deere, armadillo's and turtles on the trail, sometimes snakes "I have seen a couple on one occasion" but none the other few times I went, squirls and birds to see. Sounds more erie than it really is though :-/ you'll have a great time here we do!!!

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  • af_juicy

    Just started trail riding and spent four days at Lake Fausse Point with the wife and kids, It had rained quite a bit the week before so water was still high, Made for some interesting rides, Trail A was nice and easy a good warm up and B was fun with water in a few spots but C was a real work out with the water and mud everywhere. Will be going back soon to try some new tires where as the Bontarage Jones that came with my bike were all over the trail and couls not keep a straight line for nothing.

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  • rexhubbard

    If you like feeling eerie on a ride, try this one by yourself. You'll hear tropical sounds, birds, insects, and maybe even an alligator splashing into the water as you pass swiftly by. Remember to bring along some insect repellent. The trail is easy, built for beginners but there are enough undulations to make it interesting. I ran over a snake that looked like a root until I got right up on him/her. You might have to ride the trail several times if you are interested in getting a good workout. Some would say this is a much too easy ride but if you are into alternate scenery, this cannot be beat. And anyway, the worst day I ever spent on a mountain bike was...you know. I will definitely be going back.

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  • kvidrine

    All three trails are very easy. Took my children and they loved it. Lots of wildlife.

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