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Level: Beginner
Length: 10 mi (16.1 km)
Surface: Other
Configuration: Out & Back
Elevation: +294/ -289 ft
Total: 48 riders
Mountain Biking Lake Overstreet
#78 of 288 mountain bike trails in Florida
Makes a nice combo ride with Redbug for a good few hours of combination singletrack and doubletrack, with many options on distance, and time.
First added by alvin.santoy on Jan 1, 2003. Last updated May 11, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
- Drinking water: unknown
- Lift service: unknown
- Night riding: unknown
- Pump track: unknown
- Restrooms: unknown
- Fat bike grooming: unknown
- E-bikes allowed: unknown
- Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Directions: From I-10 exit 203 take Thomasville Rd. North, turn left on MacClay Rd. (you have to do a u-turn to get to the other side of Thomasville Rd.) Take MacClay to Meridian, take a right go about a mile and 1/2. Park at the Forest Meadows club, get onto Redbug trail to the fire road and onto the trail.
This trail never fails to be awesome. Almost dead flat with perfect turns and an opportunity to just roll. Fast, flowing and trance inducing with a perfect sticky, earth, pine needle base and just enough berm to get through the turns at speed. Hats' off to the trail builders.
Other trails in the area, like Red Bug, Cadillac, etc seem to designed for kids on bmx bikes, small, tight and difficult to get moving on, especially on a big, full suspension two niner. I'm not talking about technical difficulty, I'm talking about turn radius mostly. But the trail at Maclay Gardens State Park, starting from the entrance at Meridian clear down to the terminus where the power lines hit Maclay Rd is just one endless gift of smooth rolling, fast turning, rollicking single track.
To experience what I'm describing start at the bike/pedestrian entrance on Meridian Rd. (you can park across the street at the Park). There is a bicycle symbol sign just off the doubletrack right there behind a little dirt mound. Then just follow the most used trail at each fork (they are named for different loops (north loop, etc. but just ignore all that and ride it nonstop. You really can't get very lost, the park is fairly small and doubletrack dirt roads connect everything.
Thank |Rode this today, (Dec 12, 2017) as my first mtb ride in 25 years! Just around the lake..Lovely, wide trail on which to start! Nice scenery around the lake. A couple of little hills, but nothing too hard. Great first ride!
Thank |Easy climbs, fun downhills. Minor technical (roots). Beautiful scenery.
Thank |I really liked this trail. It was pretty flat for the most part, but the North Extension Trail was super challenging and this beginner MTB rider spent some time pushing through some pretty tough sections. I felt that the East, West, and North loops were all very beginner friendly, as was the loop around the lake. This is a great place for a new mountain biker to get some experience as well as more advanced riders can work on their fitness. There is a $2 per person usage fee, but you will definitely get your money's worth because the trails are well maintained and there are over 10 miles of trails to keep you busy. I have about a two hour drive to get to this park, but I plan to return in the future.
Thank |it is a decent trail for a beginer but not as fun for a more advanced rider due to its low technicality and double track but if you are to do it the north loop is the best section thought it is hard to navigate it is a very cool section with a magnolia canopy . oh and keep in mind it does cost 2 dollars a person unless you have a florida state parks pass
Thank |Nice ride. nothing technical.
Thank |trailhead is well marked, on meridian street. trails are open, flat. great for beginners, or fast riding. trails are interlaced, loops are marked
Thank |