A wooden footbridge crosses a forested area covered in fallen leaves, surrounded by bare trees. The path leads onward through the woods, with a blue marker on a nearby tree. The scene captures a tranquil, natural setting in late fall or winter. Land Between the Lakes mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 12 mi (19.3 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Out & Back
Elevation: +305/ -306 ft
Total: 45 riders

Mountain Biking Land Between the Lakes

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#22 of 108 mountain bike trails in Kentucky
#2,154 in the world

I did not really care for Energy Lake, which is gravel roads mostly. Jenny Ridge is a lot of fun. Some really great singletrack which is technical, and you can't beat the view. Most of the trail (which is about 12 miles) runs along the North/South trail, which is also a hiking trail. Jenny Ridge is NOT closed during hunting season (despite what I said before). For more information: Land Between the Lakes 502.924.2000

First added by stripes on Jan 1, 2003. Last updated Apr 30, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: yes
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
Take I-24 West to Paducah. Get off at US80 Kentucky State Road 68, which is the Cadiz exit. Go 15 miles until you cross a bridge (you can't miss this bridge) which crosses over Lake Barkley. Go to the visitor's center for maps to Jenny Ridge and Energy Lake trails.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Golden Pond, Kentucky

| 10 mi
Intermediate | 0 mi
Intermediate | 31 mi

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  • racerxon2

    Excellent even after heavy rain and snow , very little mud

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  • Larry Ferrarini

    A very nice trail. Rode most of the North South Trail and back. Not too technical but was demanding and fun. Lots of creek crossings and and a some sections were a bit muddy when I rode it. In April. Was fun to ride and worth the trip. Drove down from Chicago. Canal loop was a great first day and put on the mileage on NS the second. Wood n Wave is the Local LBS. Great people there

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  • Geo Fox Scout

    confusing on where to start off at. but lots of good hills and twist.

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  • Sweetlife

    This is what I know as the North/South trail, as ACE has said, they have opened up the whole 31 miles of trail. I like this trail, but the attached Canal Loop trail is better in my opinion. In September they allow dual-sport dirtbikes to ride the North/South trail, which is an asset in my opinion. The trails seem really groomed after they get through (this trail does not see the use that the Canal Loop does, and needs a little grooming every now and then in my opinion). In the fall there is usually a MTB race that covers most of the distance of the North/South trail which is a step up from racing 5 to 10 laps of a 2 mile loop if you know where I`m coming from. All in all, a pretty cool trail.

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  • RideorDie

    I rode Jenny Ridge and really enjoyed it. I think it is one of the better trails in that part of the country. although not an epic trail, there are some truly great sections of the trail that will increase your risk of getting bugs stuck in your grill from smiling so wide. I highly recommend this ride to anyone within a few hours drive.

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  • sgthuddleston

    really nice trail after so many road runs i like the fast lil down hills you get here and there

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