The Laramie Enduro is a 72-mile endurance race held annually in the Pole Mountain area. The course is a combination of cow paths, singletrack, doubletrack, and dirt road (about 50% singletrack) and uses trails on both the Happy Jack and Vedauwoo trail networks. It also combines slices of singletrack on other sections of the Pole Mountain area that are not known but are worth checking out: Windy-Windy, Townsendia Trail, South Fork Cross Trail, East Markley Hill, Twizzie Tween, More Revenge, Sagebrush Revenge, Pete's Surprise, and South Branch Crow Creek. There are detailed directions for the ENTIRE course on the race website: . They are pretty good, but it is also recommended that you ride the lesser known parts of the course with a GPS and GPX Trax or a local. You will feel 'out there' on the northeastern parts of this course, and the entire course not only has variety in its track (single, double, and dirt road) but it traverses sagebrush, shortgrass prairie, and pine forest. You can see elk, deer, and moose and A LOT of cows. And be prepared for many creek crossings. With a map of the Pole Mountain area, the directions, and GPS data you can ride sections of this course while shortcutting other sections via forest roads. Good navigation skill are a good thing to have. The lesser known singletrack sections of this course offer something different for those that ride regularily at Happy Jack and Vedauwoo. If you're in decent shape and in the Laramie area the last weekend in July, definately consider doing the race. It is an event that is well put together, and it will definately test your mental capacity (and rear end) for riding.