A mountain biker skillfully navigating over a fallen log on a dirt trail surrounded by dense green woods, with two people watching in the background. Legend Park mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 6 mi (9.7 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +389/ -366 ft
Total: 109 riders

Mountain Biking Legend Park

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#90 of 549 mountain bike trails in North Carolina
#1,732 in the world

When you get to the park all you will see will be a baseball field, at the far end of the field is where the track begins. There is a map of the entire trail located in the parking area(left of ballfield). The track is all dirt, and there are a few roots on the trail and alot of crossings. Fun track for beginner or intermediate rider!

First added by alvin.santoy on Jan 1, 2003. Last updated May 11, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
The track is located right near the clayton high school. Go Hwy. 70 towards Smithfield (if coming from raleigh or garner), when you get into Clayton turn left at the four way intersection with a McDonalds on your right (Robertson St.). When you get to the end of the road turn left, then take the second right (City Rd.) Proceed straight and you will see signs for legend park on the right.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Clayton, North Carolina

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  • m095562

    Couldn't find that map; maybe it tore off since the last review. The trails themselves were marked and I had fun on the course, but it seems like it's been a while since it was maintained.

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  • asumtneer2011

    Legend park has a healthy amount of roots, elevation change, and fun ramps. It was my 1st time there and a lot of leaves/pinestraw was covering the trail, so I took it pretty slow. But I still got a good workout in and got to ride my bike in the woods so that's always a good thing! While there could be more signs, there definitely ARE signs and maps, so get out there and ride the trail. Thank you to those who constructed and maintain this trail.

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  • Jbugg305

    This park is mostly intermediate with some advanced obstacles and features. This is one of my favorites in the winter there's not a lot of people I have not been in there in the summer yet. definitely recommended.

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  • Schuppel

    Was not expecting some of the technicality of some parts of these trails. Nice ride close to home, removed a tree in the drop zone that fell in front of one of the drops leading to the lower trails

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  • dag2heaven

    First time trying an actual trail.... Not a fan for now (maybe I will try after some more experience). Pretty rooty.

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  • Colby Langley

    oh an kinda a lot of roots in my opinion

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  • JTDavis

    Since it's a community level park there is next to no maintenance on the trails and it seems anyone can add features or trails. The trail system has no trail markings or signs, you're just expected to figure it out which cause must confusion. The trails have potential if they were marked.

    There is a little jump section with drop ins, a warped wall and kickers, but I am concerned with the condition an maintenance because I was there on day and noticed many broken glass bottles and next week the shards were still there. There is no terrain feature sign or park notice witch could be pretty bad for the county. In summary; if they made signs and maps for the actual trails, closed random trails, posted warnings about he terrain features and did some cleaning up on the main trails it would be better.

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  • nickabuja

    Had the potential to be a lot better, needs to have more markings on the trail so you know which way to go and don't just keep going in circles

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  • N8XC

    In my honest opinion, at this point in time, it's not worth an hour commute to go ride, but if you're fairly local, it's definitely a trail system that will test your skills.

    On my first visit, I noticed after some trial and error that there seemed to be two sections of trail system.

    The first section, to the left of the play field was extremely under-maintained. It was sad because it features a few really interesting bridge challenges that could be fun to ride if they put more emphasis on maintenance.

    The second section of trail, to the right of the park, is where the majority of riding occurs. There was an interesting mixture of intermediate singletrack to highly advanced features such as the "Redbull" boardwalk drop into the wall-ride and fairly challenging teeter-totter along the trail.

    I give this a 3-star rating solely based off the fact that the trail is poorly marked. There's no real indication of where to ride and how to navigate without having a mobile device with you to check the map. It has a ton of potential though if people take the time to really spruce up the trail, add a few signs and polish the trail to easily mark where advanced features are and how you can avoid them.

    To end on a positive note, I really enjoyed some of the smaller jumps and skinny bridges littered throughout the trail system to practice on. They're great confidence boosters for the bigger features!

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  • masterclean1

    The Legend Park Mtn Bike Trail is split into 3 sections. It was kinda confusing at first but after riding for a half hour I was able to figure out most it. The trail is tucked in behind a baseball field. Very easy to find.
    I went into the trail on the right side where I found several areas that would be conciderd a bit technical. I stayed away from the jumps and riding rails that I came across. The trail was marked pretty well,
    but the trails have not been maintained all that great. Little Big Horn and Magnolias Run are the two trails that have a lot of roots and there are tons of leaves covering the trails.
    I finally found my way to the left side of the trail that had no name. This is a nice flowing trail near a small stream. I enjoyed this side much better. If you're traveling near or thru Clayton, you should swing by and ride it.

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  • gbass82

    This trail was a good trail to ride and I have rode it many times. HOWEVER, it has been neglected. The last time I went was in July of this year. The trails are no longer marked, and the recent storms have ravaged the entire trail. Although there are some areas that are still good, many areas cannot be traversed and are washed out. It is very difficult to navigate if you are unfamiliar to the trail because all nearly all of the trail markers are completely gone. Hopefully the city will make the necessary repairs to bring the trail back to its prime.

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  • far4cges

    Could be good trails with some work. Would not recommend any beginners on this trail. Poorly marked. Some trees down after last week's storm. One took out a bridge right near the trailhead. Will be back if they get some issues fixed as previous review mentioned.

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  • remedy8dave

    First off you can't just add obstiacles to a trail that does not flow s s expect it to be good. It was poorly marked poorly built whoever built the berms needs to never work on an mtb trail again. This trail has a lot of potential hopefully someone who know s what they are doing come s along and fixes this

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  • UneasyRider

    I didn't like it. The trails were very poorly maintained, a lot of downed trees and erosion damages. The main problem is the map and trail markings system is next to impossible to navigate, I was totally lost for an hour and got fed up and left. I will not be going back again.

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  • snapbean

    This trail will work you out. A little bit of everything. Bring an extra lung. I ride here often as it's about a mile from my house. Lots of technical areas-rock gardens-switchbacks-numerous skinnies-Hucksville for some air time-the ravine will check your brakes. I would say this is not a trail for beginners, but it's where I've started. The trail is in pretty good shape but has lots of roots.

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  • el_guapo

    This trail is a great place to build technical skills for the area. Rock gardens, tight switchbacks, steep ups and downs, log piles, etc... will keep you concentrating the whole time. Nothing out there should be impossible for anyone with moderate XC skills. Also being allowed to night ride is a HUGE positive. There is a serious lack of night riding locations in this area so that alone is a great attribute.

    The thing I don't like about Legend Park is that it is a network of very short trails that loop around and meet a main trail. There really is no defined "route" for the trail, you just go out and ride all the short loops in any direction you like. I can ride everything out there and still feel like I haven't put any miles in due to the layout of the trails.

    Anyway if you like to freeride or are looking to build up your technical skills this is the spot. If you like longer XC rides along trails with a defined route then you may not like Legend Park as much as some other riders. * Review edited 2/15/2009

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  • jamis.biker

    Legend is the perfect name because it is a legndary ride. I love this trail. I thought it was funny when I did all of the moderate to difficult trails and wipped out on the easy trail. Lary's Loop has some sweet bridges that go over down trees and banking turns 1-2 feet off the ground. The "Skills Zone" is amazing. "Huckville" as it is called has amazing a few awsome drops of 18 feet. The Little Big Horn has some awsome switchbacks that can be torturous at times. I find something new and thrilling everytime I ride. There are many different trails. It is so cool that the town of Clayton allows night riding and just asks riders to be off by 11PM.

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  • Subanez

    Greatly maintained trail. Lots of fun to ride around, good for a quick afternoon ride. Some technical parts, including a rather large ravine downhill/uphill that poses some interesting challenges. Other than that, its pretty straight-forward!

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  • go_fast13

    great trail and well worth the trip. had lots of fun on the "playground" warm up jumps.

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