Limbaugh Canyon / 715 trail photo
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Level: Advanced
Length: 25 mi (40.2 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +641/ -650 ft
Total: 39 riders

Mountain Biking Limbaugh Canyon / 715

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#288 of 1,395 mountain bike trails in Colorado
#2,670 in the world

tough grueling climb up to mt herman road where you cross and continue climbing. stay on 715 at the top of this hill, then enjoy the downhill and flowy single track through some over grown wooded areas which will eventually lead you overtop of palmer lake watershed. when you get to the fence, go through it and head down hill to the left. you will have to ride you bike throgh the houses in palmer lake to get back or park a car near the watershed.

First added by tmoney149 on Oct 17, 2011. Last updated May 11, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
Take the Monument Palmer Lake exit off i-25 (Exit 161) and head west. Drive 0.9 miles through downtown Monument and over the train tracks. Take a left at the stop sign onto Michelle Road. Then travel 0.6 miles and take a right onto Mt Herman Road. Drive 0.8 miles to Nursery Road. Take a left on Nursery Road, and the THD and parking lot are immediately on your right. Park and ride the trail system over to 715 or take the road that splits the area in half unitl you find 715 on your left.

Limbaugh Canyon / 715 Trail map

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  • mongwolf

    A couple of more items. First, it should be noted that none of the routes added to the map for this trail actually represent the Limbaugh Canyon portion of the 715 (Monument) Trail. And only one map route represents the lower half of the 715 trail. So don't get confused by these postings. Second, there seems to be some nice new reroutes dropping into Limbaugh Canyon. And once you get near the creek, there are a couple of times where you have to make choices due to the reroutes (the old routes aren't closed). But no worry, the routes reconnect with each other each time.

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  • mongwolf

    All in all a fun challenging ride, and a nice way to get away from the crowds. Several thoughts for a review. First, the climb up the 715 trail from the Mt Herman Road-Nursery Road THD is demanding. If you're not up for it, then you can lessen the initial demand of the ride by riding up the Mad Hatter, Renegade (Twisty Oaks) trails and then take the Mt Herman Road the rest of the way to where the 715 trail meets the road. It's nearly 6 miles of climbing, but the grades are moderate to easy. Second, there is now a partial loop around Mt. Herman. From the THD on the road on the south end of Mt Herman, follow the 715 trail mostly NW into Limbaugh Canyon. Then head down the canyon along the creek mostly NNE, all the way to the overlook of Palmer Lake (you'll know when you get there) on the north end of the ridge coming off Raspberry Mountain. From this overlook, you drop down a wide fun DH for just a minute or two, and take a right on a much smaller trail called "HZ Trail" (not an easy trail with rocky steep climbs). Follow this until it meets the "White Ghost Trail". Follow WG until it brings you out on Red Rocks Road where Renegade/Twisty Oaks meets RRR. That completes the partial loop. Third, there are a couple of places where you could go off in the wrong direction. One is on the south end of Mount Herman. After the initial steep loose climb up from the THD on Mt Herman Road, go maybe 200 meters on the gradual grade trail. Take the left turn here. Do not keep following what looks like the main trail. That heads N-NE, but you want to go WNW towards the drop into Limbaugh Canyon. The second place is the turn onto the HZ Trail mentioned above. It's really easy to blow right past that trail as you speed down the hill. Fourth, read the reviews on MTB Project for this loop and for "Mule" trail. Both descriptions are quite helpful for navigating.

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  • jkey6

    I recommend doing this as a shuttle ride if you have the option. Drive up Mt Herman and leave one car up top. You won't likely come across another mtn biker if you go during the week. I would say this area does not get the same attention in terms of trail maintenance as a lot of the other front range rides, so don't expect a dreamy singletrack experience, but there is a lot of fun to be had and some good spots to challenge your technical riding.

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  • trenton722

    Outstanding ride! Brought my wife and my dad(72years old) on the trail and they were all smiles until the 8 mile mark and we had to climb up HZ Trail. Ride it clockwise for most fun. Make sure and keep your MTB app on you if its your first time...easy to take a trail that dead ends! Very scenic and fun trail, can't wait to hit it again!

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  • John Fisch

    You can get a real backcountry feel close to town on this trail. Once on the west side of the ridge, you completely lose the sense of being so close to civilization. The climb is tough and there's a few confusing forks along the way, so it's good to hit this one with someone who knows it.

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Rider questions

Q: How was it named?
A: I am guessing someone named Limbaugh road his bike off the cliff and died.