A mountain biker in mid-air jumps off a large rock in a forested area, surrounded by tall pine trees and a clear blue sky. The rider is wearing a helmet, sunglasses, and a backpack, showcasing dynamic movement and excitement in outdoor sports. Little Scraggy mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 5 mi (8 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Out & Back
Elevation: +1,737/ -1,757 ft
Total: 85 riders

Mountain Biking Little Scraggy

*****   Add a review
#145 of 1,394 mountain bike trails in Colorado
#997 in the world

This new intermediate trail was built by COMBA, just completed after a few years of work. From the Little Scraggy TH, cross FR 550, and you will see the start, going south. Trail is a meandering track through interesting features. Has some options for more technical features. Also a very cool 100' long slab rock. Trail goes up/down, with only one serious climb about midway. Currently ends at a campground, but will eventually encircle Little Scraggy Peak.
This is a true intermediate trail, with few unrideable spots for intermediate riders.
I've ridden almost all of the trails at Buffalo Creek, and I believe this one will quickly become a classic.

First added by gregval on Oct 11, 2014. Last updated May 2, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
From 285, go south on Hwy 126. Go through Pine and Buffalo Creek, up the hill, to the Little Scraggy TH. This is along the Colorado Trail.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Pine, Colorado

Intermediate | 11 mi
Intermediate | 4 mi
Expert | 3 mi
Intermediate | 1 mi

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  • TK34

    I'm stingy with the 5 stars, but I'll call this 4 stars with commentary that its a solid 4.5. Really nice trail, mostly flow style particularly before and after the climb on the back side of Little Scraggy. What holds me back from 5 stars is the sandiness throughout and the tough, gnarly climb on a backside. I don't mind the elevation gain, but when its that tough I prefer not-so-gnarly rocks and obstacles. But its worth it even to hike-a-bike a few short sections, cause the payoff is oh so worth it. One of the best downhills I've done - good speed, flowy rhythm, and not just smooth berms (which I do appreciate downhill). Definitely agree CW is the way to go.

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  • AboveTheRidge

    A gem in the wild. Crew at Golden Bike Shop recommended to us, so we drove out there. WELL WORTH the drive out. Fantastic loop!! Amazing rocks, views and trail! Highly recommended!

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  • Midmoab

    This trail and the surrounding trails are incredible. Little Scraggy has a variety of trail surfaces but is generally sandy compared to my normal Midwest trail rides. I agree that CW is the way to ride and although there is a pretty long, sustained climb just after the mid point, it is well worth the effort. Shortly after this climb is a terrific flowing, sandy downhill that left me whooping and slapping high-fives! We finished with a 6 mile downhill on "nice kitty" and were picked up at the bottom by shuttling friends! This was absolutely awesome! Highly recommended!

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  • mongwolf

    It is a two-way trail, but I would say that it is clearly best ridden CW -- ride the east side first around to the west side. If you really want to add to the ride, start at the main THD at the bottom of Buff Creek and ride up Nice Kitty first. This makes for a great loop with a big climb at first followed by some nice long descents (e.g. Shinglemill). I also like to add the Baldy climb and then come down Charlie's Cutoff and Sandy Wash. I also like to do an inner loop -- up Baldy, down Gashouse and back up Baldy -- then onto Charlie's and Sandy.

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  • finerbiner

    Little Scraggy Loop Is 12.5 miles not 5. The trail is a 7 mile climb that is varied, has a lot of rock features and optional lines, and never feels like it is climbing as much as it does. You are then rewarded with about 3 miles of sublime, purpose built, flowy downhill. It's awesome

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  • mongwolf

    Rode the entire trail for the first time a couple of weeks ago. Good times indeed, and it adds some nice variety to Buff Creek. At times the trail is buttery smooth. At other times it technical and chunky, especially the southern portion. There are so many rocks to play on, you could spend most of a day just playing on rocks. The west side descent is about the flow, not about top end speed. It starts out chunky and becomes more smooth fairly quickly, but the twists and turns never stop. A lot of fun. I would rate the trail somewhere around 4.5 stars.

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  • John Fisch

    Cross country trail riding at its finest with optional free ride features. Lots of variety packed into a dynamite 13 mile loop with options to extend to the larger Buffalo Creek trail system. Be on the lookout for optional lines, especially if you like tech. The optional features on the climb add fun and challenge, while the descent is very well descent focuses on flow. A superbly well designed and entertaining trail!

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  • Jmurphy8776

    Exceptional trail with one of the longest down hills I've ever ridden. I was told it was about 9 miles but turned out to be just under 13 (20.78K). You could link it with Nice Kitty and park at the BC lot and not pay the $6 parking.

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  • bluehexag0nsun

    Amazing! This trail was purpose-built for mountain biking. Most of it is smooth singletrack and natural granite features. It won't challenge your technical skills all that much but you can rip down the descent thanks to bermed turns and packed dirt. Some parts are a bit sandy but not as bad as other trails at Buffalo Creek.

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  • Gdb49

    Wow! Fun, beautiful, and high quality trail!!

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  • barink

    Excellent trail. The new trail section back to the Colorado trail is a lot of fun going down. Clockwise is the best option.

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  • drtjumper2

    Another awesome and recently expanded trail within the Buffalo Creek network. Little Scraggy has fast, flowy sections, rock gardens, large boulders, technical climbs, and quick descents.

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  • ~Mountain Bike Addict~

    Great trail that now circles Little Scraggy peak and connects back to the CT. Length is now 9- 10 miles, please update trail info.
    Very fun and flowy trail that was built with mountain bikes in mind. Not like the rest of Buffalo Creek, more flowy and some boulders in spots. Definitely worth riding!

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  • stillfat

    This is almost like an easier version of some of the better trails at Curt Gowdy. Super entertaining, you don't think too much about all the cardio work getting you up the hills. This will likely be the best trail at Buff Crk when loop is complete. As it is, you catch way too much head-on traffic with all the out and back riders. Great trail.

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  • bigmike46   ✓ supporter

    Unless your gonzo and just love Black jack and God bless if you do, this is the best trail in the Buffalo creek area. It is ultra smooth twisty , up and down, narrow single track with large granite obstacles. My favorite trail before this was Buffalo Creek to Green Mountain but his surpasses that. Just a great way to improve your skills if you are an intermediate rider without doing much damage to your body. Gorgeous no sand

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  • mongwolf

    Trail still just half finish. The eastern half is a fun trail with all sorts of natural obstacles. In some places it rides much like a mid-west trail because it keeps doubling back on itself with many short ups and downs. Going out there is one really nice twisted downhill a little more than half way to the campground. There is also a nice downhill within the last mile down to the campground. On the way back the trail feels faster and more flowy. All in all, it's a good ride and very different than anything else in Buffalo Creek.

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  • Knobbysidedown

    Wahoooo!!! Love this ride! Starts out mellow but quickly transitions to a granite playground. This is a great ride to cycle back and play on certain features. My favorite is the long granite slab about a third of the way in.

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  • mongwolf

    Looks like an awesome ride. Adding a drop down Shinglemill and/or Nice Kitty could make for a really nice ride. Thanks for sharing the review. Can't wait to give it a go next year.

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Rider questions

Q: Parking
A: There is a parking fee at the Little Scraggy trailhead ($6 when I went). However, on my way out I saw lots of cars parked on the side of the road and other nondescript areas, which I assume you can do without getting ticketed based on the number of cars doing it. But I will gladly pay if they keep building trails like this :)