A mountain bike resting on a forest floor covered with leaves, next to a series of stacked stones. The scene is set in a wooded area with tall trees in the background and a faint light peeking through the branches, suggesting early evening. Loch Raven Reservoir mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 30 mi (48.3 km)
Surface: Doubletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +536/ -654 ft
Total: 143 riders

Mountain Biking Loch Raven Reservoir

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#17 of 99 mountain bike trails in Maryland
#1,436 in the world

There's a map posted as soon as you turn off the road onto the trail. 3 or 4 shortish loops. Not well marked. It's a fun ride and close to Towson and Baltimore. Connect a few loops for a 30-45 minute ride. Somewhat strained vibe with others who use the park but it is designated multi-use (to "protect" the park, some areas have signs spraypainted on trees "no bikes" - one even says "no dikes").

First added by dside on Oct 5, 2004. Last updated May 10, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
North on Dulaney Valley Rd. from the circle in Towson. Make a left onto Seminary Rd. and park. The trail begins on the east side of Dulaney Valley at Seminary.
System trails (1)
 difficultySeminary9 mi

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Towson, Maryland

Intermediate | 2 mi
| 9 mi
Easiest | 21 mi

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  • Julio L.

    Great trail, I go 3 times to week and I never boring

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  • G-lenn

    Unfortunately, the majority of the trails, and certainly the best trails are now off limits. It's a real shame for riders in the immediate area, but the remaining trails can still be fun. For the main area, you can park on the corner of seminary and Dulaney valley or where providence hits loch raven drive. There is also some sanctioned riding along merrimans road and over to jarretsville pike that is about 5 miles round trip. It's ok for a quick ride and you are unlikely to see other riders.

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  • sensorgt14

    Most of this trail is just smooth peddling up and down the hills on the main fire trail. This would be between dulany valley rd and seminary, now cross over seminary and start heading towards the dams and this trail has a lot to offer.

    I normally start at dulany valley rd and seminary ave and ride all the was down to the dams, when you come out of the woods at providence and loch raven rd go right up the hill and the trail is on your left, about half way up the hill.

    Check out some video I have.

    I like this trail, I ride it offen. It's a great work out.

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  • Cutty

    Glen Ellen Trail is a wide "brush truck/ logging" style road. Mostly hard packed dirt with 4 water "crossings". 3 trees to go over and one to duck under. All can be done at speed. Not very technical in nature but a good fun and fast ride. A few steep climbs. Some soft mud areas were found and enjoyed. Well marked bike path with white metal strips on the trees, the single track is well marked to stay off of with bikes. Total distance was just over 8 miles with 700ft of climbing. I would rate this as intermediate just This would be a great Fat Bike ride in the snow!!!.

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  • Matt_Noel

    Great for a beginner to become an advanced rider.

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  • jfigel76

    I have not rode here since they closed the singletrack area. It was a real fun, counterclockwise day with great views and about 12 miles long. I heard all that is left is forest roads and double track. I could be wrong, I thought MORE was working on access issues.

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  • DaKing27

    Just remember to be courteous and share the trail with other users, and usually its a good fun ride. Tons of people always out riding the fire roads, very fast, relatively smooth, not too technical although there are some pyramids.

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  • richk

    All users are being moved off the singletrack by rangers, please send in your comments to the city council and follow the latest news at savetherave.com

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  • canzures

    The entrance is a bit tricky to find. I rode it today for the first time. Like the post says, park on seminary road near the church. then cross Dulaney Valley Rd. and ride for 1/4 mile and the entrance is to the left. It's a nice ride that includes some climbs and several logs to jump. There are also some muddy sections to get wet if you like that :) Also there are some bridges that cover wet/muddy areas. Overall I couldn't give it 5 stars because it was not too technical. But I did enjoy it and had a blast. There were other posts that says there are more loops, but I haven't found those yet.

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  • dragonfly

    3 different and distinct places to ride at Loch Raven Resevouir. Start on Seminary Ave and it's nice and easy rolling singletrack. There are a few fun logs to jump on the trails, and even a log park which has 4 or 5 large logs which require some skill to climb. From Seminary to Providence Rd. and back you are riding in the range of 15 miles, and can add depending on multiple side loops you can take to vary the ride. There is the backside of the resevouir and Meryman's which complete the "Tour de Raven". Both are more difficult due to the hills involved, however if your used to riding Patapsco it will not pose a problem. These two will have less traffic than at the Seminary trail. All three have a mix of Fire road and single track.

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  • elf_231

    The 6 mile trail is an awesome ride though the best thing about this trail is that it connects up with the trail that goes around the resevoir that is like 20-30 mile trail so u wont leave the trail still hungry for more trail

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  • andrewlwong2

    I just came back from there a few hours ago. First, let me clarify the directions given. After heading North from Towson circle, go about a mile and turn left on Seminary Ave. There will be a church on right. Park there. From the parking lot, take a left. Cross Dulane and go down a block. You will see the trail on left. Currently, it's right after construction site.

    I liked the trail. It was not as fast as Rosaryville, but it was really nice because you can take the trail along the lake. It's mostly single track. There are some nice log arrangements along the way. It's definitely a big trail and you can get lost. You can take the fire trail back if you get lost. I didn't tackle any big hills but there some if you want to tackle those.

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  • Yakmike

    This description seems a bit lame in overall content. I ride LR at least once a week and what he is describing most likely only covers a very small area. There are some great rides beyond the area under review.
    If you enter a trail on the east side of Providence Rd, in the watershed, there are several uphill climbs that will get your attention. Plus if the water is low, you will end on a loop( approx, 10-12 miles) thay will take you across the outfall from the small dam on the lake to a trail that loops back to the top of the road around the lake. From this point you can ride the road for a very short distance across the lake and put in at an uphill that will take you back to the origin.

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  • Mattad

    Great ride. It's as easy or difficult as you want to make it. Lots of connecting side trails. Took a bit of a hit with recent rain, but survived pretty well (unlike Gunpowder).

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  • pabiker

    Excellent trails with either singletrack or fire trails. Something for every level. You can get lost for quite some time !!!

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  • fluffhead

    Can get lost forever in the networks of trails. Something for every skill level. Depending on where in the park you go will depend on the amount of others on the trails. I would recommend using trailheads before getting to the main area inside the park.

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  • xc_fool

    Way more than 6 miles. You can link together a few differnt areas for 20+ mile ride easy! Some nice steep hills. Avoid the crowds head to the North end of the Reservior off Delaney Valley Rd.

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