This is a trail system with two distinct personalities: relatively flat, easy
doubletrack in places and steep, swoopy singletrack in other places. Most of the
tread is rocky and some sections are very steep. Many unofficial trails in the area
and even the official trails aren't very well signed. Bring a map or a friend who is
familiar with the area to find the best trails.
Often overlooked trail system. Decent single track climb with a potentially hair-raising descent, especially if you're on a XC bike. From the Logchutes parking lot, follow the double track for about a mile or so and there will be two trail entrances on your left.
The first is a mellow climb that leads back out to the Forest Service road, then it's downhill about a mile back to the parking lot. Maybe 3 miles total.
The second trail is a bit more techy-steep, with significantly more climbing, but nothing brutal. As you top out on the Forest Service road, go across and the trail picks back up, then heads downhill. The downhill can be blistering-fast if you stay off the brakes, or you can cruise comfortably if you just check your speed a bit. One very loose, steep rocky section that can be walked if it makes you nervous, but for the most part its swoopy singl etrack.
Local downhillers like to shuttle this trail in spring/fall as its one of the first lines to dry out and open up.
Thank |Seems to be one of the lesser-ridden trails in the Durango area yet there's still plenty to like about this system! Easier doubletrack trails near the trailhead and steeper, rockier singletrack at the top. Be sure to hit Log Chutes Trail #1 coming down - it's a blast!
* Review edited 6/29/2012
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