There are five different trails Only one is the actual bike trail. The bike trail is mostly two track and greenway. There really is no singletrack or hard pack. This is an Historic area for Johannesburg Mi. There remnants of an old logging camp, old resort building, and dilapidated vehicles and farm equipment. The are some restrooms on the yellow trail. It is very nice and have plumbing. There are also picnic tables in the same area. Sooner or later there will be horses. They may have their own trail they may not. I did ride the other loops and did not get into trouble, however again there is only one bike trail. The trails are mark pretty good. Though a couple of times on my own I had to double back. There are trails at the trail head, and there are many post to identify where you are at. The Green trail is by far the hardest. The Blue and Red are short and the Yellow is the longest. Though keep in mind, nothing is that long. About three miles is the longest trail. There is a lot of wildlife in the area. There are a lot of other trails in the area other than the bike path, and colored paths, these are not allowed. This would be a great ride for beginners or maybe an introduce others into mountain biking. Take your camera.
This trail is very new and not mountain bike specific. It is mostly two track and what I'll call greeway(8' wide of all grass or dirt). Sandy trail with multiple loops. Only one of which is the bike trail. Some good hills, and some harden areas for fast riding. The Green loop is the hardest. Red and Blue loops being short and fast. The Yellow loop is the longest of the colored loops. Keep in mind not to bother the hikers and walkers. No signs of Horses on the trails however they are building hitching posts. The Bike path is about 3 miles so it's not an all day adventure. However it is the site of an historical area of Johannesburg. A few sites to visit are listed on the map. The Trails are label well and it worth carrying a map. (at the trail head). This area has great potential for mountain biking. So hopefully in the future there maybe a better trail for mountain bikers.
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